The GOP Rino elites are picking candidates all over the country over the objections of the old faithful grassroots Republicans. Here in Washington state we're having Mike McGavick shoved down our throats. He's only one degree better than the Democrat opponent. The battle is on for the heart of the Republican party nationwide. Is it going to be a "Top-down" or a "bottom-up" party? At this point, we're losing, and will soon find ourselves Republicans without a party or candidates representing Republican values. Even on a local level, we vote one way, and the county and state elites do as they please. The libs are VERY well funded by their buddies in D.C. There are going to be a lot of Republican sitting out elections, or at least not voting for certain seats.
McGavrick is certainly more viable than nominating some moronic radio talk show host like the WSGOP did a few years back.
Again, the "perot effect" : the 1992/1996 fiasco, thanks to the "grenade with ears"(as Rush calls him). Righteousness gets you to heaven...and pelosi as speaker if you sit out this election. You see, you are letting the PERFECT be the enemy of the GOOD. Let the mice into the pantry/dem hands on the congressional levers of power...and you have exiled yourself to oblivion. Weep and gnash your conservative teeth in the outer darkness all you want to, for all the GOOD it will do. Yes, our REP leaders are not your version of PERFECT but it all comes down to turnout. Divide and conquer is the old british axiom. What do they say about doing perot-1992/perot-1996 over and over again, and expecting a different result?