I do not kneel at the altar of man, but only at the altar of God.
OBTW, some of the biggest knives in my back were placed there by people who concealed their (lack of) character behind an avalanche of 'born-again' lingo.
My advice to you is this: treat others as you would want to be treated, and you will bring people to a knowledge of The Word; open your mouth and you will drive them away.
This elemental rule applies to 90% of so-called evangelicals, many of whom (obviously) have not gained the "gift of discernment" judging by some of their statements...like yours above, for example...
As do I. I was siding with you in my above comment. I'm trying to figure out how you missed that.
The Bible tells us that all of Scripture is useful (and to be used) in helping to steer people away from eternity in hell... including Jesus' explicit warnings about hell itself. For every one time Jesus mentions Heaven in the New Testament, He refers to hell three times. 3-to-1.
If it's good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me.
And you. I might add.
Good post.