Maybe she was an undercover advance agent for the Sicilian mob, plotting the takeover of all Mogadishu's drug and prostitution businesses, and eventually all the organized crime for the East African coast! (Wooga wooga music.)
Or maybe it was Jihad, idiots.
Fox just said " The muslim brotherhood" find this apology sufficent...
The motive was perfectly clear.
Introduction of fear and intimidation to an organization that is not in the business of combat or clandestine intrigue.
Once fear and intimidation are established, then the purposes of the SOS hospital facilities are available for the support of the activities of the armed mob that operates under the cover of the shar'ia law that is the only controlling legal authority in the region.
Oh, yeah, and punish the Pope for his intemperate outburst about the lack of anger management among Muslims.
The motive is simple. Prey on the weak, defenseless and the Holy
IF you are not a radical Moslem, you must leave Somalia. It has been taken over by radical who have instituted Sharia, or Moslem law. They have already murdered young people for watching a soccer plan. My advice to the few Christians who are still there: LEAVE!