The saga of Haleigh's fight continues.
1 posted on
09/05/2006 4:45:46 AM PDT by
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To: Ohioan from Florida; Goodgirlinred; Miss Behave; cyn; Abby4116; Alissa; AlwaysFree; amdgmary; ...
2 posted on
09/05/2006 4:47:24 AM PDT by
(Jezu ufam Tobie...Jesus I trust in Thee)
To: 8mmMauser
4 posted on
09/05/2006 4:51:33 AM PDT by
To: 8mmMauser
Huh? To my knowledge while physician-assisted suicide is legal in Oregon, euthanasia is illegal in all US states. Am I missing something??
5 posted on
09/05/2006 4:59:56 AM PDT by
("If intelligent design evolved from creationism, then why are there still creationists?"--Quark2005)
To: 8mmMauser
Last March (?), I sent Haleigh a birthday card. It had the kind of picture on it that would make a little girl smile -- a big silly elephant in a funny pose. Maybe somebody tucked it away for her and she'll see it when she gets better. (I can hope, can't I?) She WILL get better, with reasonable care and family love. Say a prayer for Haleigh, she's not safe yet.
9 posted on
09/05/2006 5:45:31 AM PDT by
(It is not possible to "go too far" criticizing liberals. No matter what you say, they're worse.)
To: 8mmMauser
A glimmer of hope in an otherwise rather grim morning.
Florida appears to care naught for the destruction of innocent
Lord help us, we are desperate for justice!
36 posted on
09/06/2006 7:52:48 AM PDT by
("For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb . . ." Psalm 139:13)
To: 8mmMauser
Please put me on your ping list for updates about this case. May the Lord protect her life and provide continued healing.
38 posted on
09/06/2006 2:48:01 PM PDT by
(Leaning on the everlasting arms.)
To: Peach
Almost a victim, a little girl is making progress thanks to grassroots activism. Governor Romney protected Haleigh Poutre from state sponsored death.
Crist won't ever do that and neither will Davis. Crist helped off Terri, Davis didn't.
59 posted on
09/07/2006 8:16:16 AM PDT by
floriduh voter
To: 8mmMauser
72 posted on
09/07/2006 8:36:02 AM PDT by
floriduh voter
( or Join Terri's Legacy List Contact: 8mmmauser)
To: 8mmMauser
Fightening to say the least!
85 posted on
09/07/2006 5:29:17 PM PDT by
(Leftists, the enemy within.)
To: 8mmMauser; kristinn
Florida Brainwashing completed.
135 posted on
09/08/2006 8:49:34 AM PDT by
floriduh voter
( or Join Terri's Legacy List Contact: 8mmmauser)
To: 8mmMauser
Lest we forget. JACK DAY has been elected a judge in the Sixth Circuit. He is a fine person and he beat one of Crist's friends.
We are breaking up Greer's gang. Little by little, we are putting fair judges in the Sixth Circuit and not electing the likes of Robert Michael, whose father was the first judge to name Mikey as guardian.
137 posted on
09/08/2006 8:58:47 AM PDT by
floriduh voter
( or Join Terri's Legacy List Contact: 8mmmauser)
To: 8mmMauser
Eliot Spitzer says he will close NY hospitals...
138 posted on
09/08/2006 9:45:59 AM PDT by
floriduh voter
( or Join Terri's Legacy List Contact: 8mmmauser)
To: 8mmMauser; T'wit
Haleigh's in recovery. Scott Thomas is in recovery.'s%20News.htm
Terri was murdered. May she rest in peace.
204 posted on
09/11/2006 8:22:41 AM PDT by
floriduh voter
( or Join Terri's Legacy List Contact: 8mmmauser)
To: 8mmMauser
I don't recommend calling Jeb Bush's number. They just patch the call through to who knows where. It's better if Jeb Bush is emailed demanding a special prosecutor. I'd say if he doesn't, he's going to lose even more support.
232 posted on
09/12/2006 7:00:17 AM PDT by
floriduh voter
( or Join Terri's Legacy List Contact: 8mmmauser)
To: 8mmMauser
Petition for a Special Prosecutor Attn: Jeb Bush. I'll get the link later. It's so busy that when I tried to view it, my server crashed.
SPECIAL PROSECUTOR re: Judge Greer's commercial - view by clicking on the videotape at:
257 posted on
09/13/2006 8:57:20 AM PDT by
floriduh voter
( or Join Terri's Legacy List Contact: 8mmmauser)
To: 8mmMauser
crist lt guv pick is the ultimate sellout. He had been in coma and had a feeding tube himself and he sellouts to crist trying to get Gallagher to lv the race and crist picks him. GOP is the hypocrite ticket for fl guv.
The House spent two hours in intensely personal debate. Several lawmakers spoke of the deaths of their parents or spouses. Rep. Jeff Kottkamp, R-Cape Coral, recalled being in a coma for two months and living on a feeding tube last fall after having serious complications from heart surgery.
The St. Pete Times did say how Kottkamp voted but even if he voted for Terri, he's in the camp of the one person who could have done a thorough investigation and she'd be alive today.
Looking more like Applewhite every day: Charlie Crist.
258 posted on
09/13/2006 9:06:15 AM PDT by
floriduh voter
( or Join Terri's Legacy List Contact: 8mmmauser)
To: 8mmMauser
"I decided since they broke the deal, I am going to talk. People should know how well she is doing," And there you are.
266 posted on
09/14/2006 4:25:37 AM PDT by
(I think the border is kind of an artificial barrier - San Antonio councilwoman Patti Radle)
To: 8mmMauser
To: 8mmMauser
death ethicker says OK to kill babies.
291 posted on
09/14/2006 7:40:20 AM PDT by
floriduh voter
( or Join Terri's Legacy List Contact: 8mmmauser)
To: 8mmMauser; Salvation; wagglebee; Dante3; T'wit; BykrBayb; Sun; trustandobey; PrepareToLeave; ...
Pastor Convicted of Praying in Jesus' name.
292 posted on
09/14/2006 7:43:23 AM PDT by
floriduh voter
( or Join Terri's Legacy List Contact: 8mmmauser)
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