Actually there are some studies that show that abnormal amounts of testosterone in the fetus can cause homsexuality. Other studies show that fetus that were flooded with adreneline have a muich higher chance of becoming homosexual. There is also a definite link between the relationship of the length of the 2nd and 4th fingers and homosexuality. In most homosexuals, the ring finger is longer than their index finger. The opposite is true for most heterosexuals.
Now where are your proofs that homosexuality is NOT a genetic trait? (your opinion does not count as a scientific study)
Actually there are some studies that show that abnormal amounts of testosterone in the fetus can cause homsexuality.
Show me the study and I'll show you one that debunks it.
Other studies show that fetus that were flooded with adreneline have a muich higher chance of becoming homosexual.
Show me the study and I'll show you one that debunks it.
There is also a definite link between the relationship of the length of the 2nd and 4th fingers and homosexuality.
Show me the study and I'll show you one that debunks it.
In most homosexuals, the ring finger is longer than their index finger. The opposite is true for most heterosexuals.
Show me the study and I'll show you one that debunks it.
Your personal opinion does not count, either. Over or under androgen production causes intersex disorder. And there's no conclusive evidence what effect it has on the brain.
There is also a definite link between the relationship of the length of the 2nd and 4th fingers and homosexuality.
That's been debunked so many times it's funny. There's research that shows it's exclusive for lesbians, there's research it's exclusive for homosexuals. And, there's research that shows it's exclusive for heterosexuals. And as you should know if science is valid it is replicable which this isn't.
The pro-sodomy crowd likes to trot that old propaganda out and ignore the current research. The history of that little ditty is the first "research" study was sampled from a gay pride parade in San Fran. Not only was that a non-random sample it was sampled using ONLY those who attended the parade. If you think that represents the general population you're nuts.
Actually, I think it's the hypothesis (advanced by "essentialist" advocates of homosexual political causes) that has to be proven.
(Some) gays insist that essentialism is a law of nature and go off looking for "essentially" gay chromosomes, which they haven't found yet. But not to worry, it's only a building-block of a juridicopolitical strategy of obtaining Supreme Court decrees in their favor, so it needn't be "true" or "untrue" in ontological terms, but only bought into by five sitting Justices.
Essentialism, IOW, is a game -- linking homosexuality to the precedential condition of skin color, and the mass of civil-rights decisions compiled by the Warren and Burger courts.
Essentialist gays, of course, are undercut by gay advocates of "queer theory" who insist that sexuality is fluid and mutable in one person. But of course Evan Wolfson won't be inviting the queer theorists to submit a brief, when it's time to argue The Big One before the Supreme Court.
Now, if you'd like to talk about aversion therapy, I have a dead-tree copy of Irving Bieber's longitudinal study published in the 60's, in which he estimated, to sum up, that about a quarter to a third of the homosexual men he interviewed were highly resistant to aversion therapy and "essentially" homosexual, or at least homosexual at a level he couldn't reach with the analytical and therapeutic tools he possessed.
Is that what you had in mind?
Keep in mind that a lot of homosexuals are "recruited" -- sexualized while virgin and convinced they're homosexual. Gays actually try to do that, to reach virginal young men, because they know the power of "getting there first". Do you endorse that sort of homosexuality, the sexuality of victimization?
Do you endorse, approve, smile upon, or otherwise recommend to others any sort of homosexuality, on libertarian grounds? How about other paraphilias?