Over or under androgen production causes intersex disorder. And there's no conclusive evidence what effect it has on the brain.
There is also a definite link between the relationship of the length of the 2nd and 4th fingers and homosexuality.
That's been debunked so many times it's funny. There's research that shows it's exclusive for lesbians, there's research it's exclusive for homosexuals. And, there's research that shows it's exclusive for heterosexuals. And as you should know if science is valid it is replicable which this isn't.
The pro-sodomy crowd likes to trot that old propaganda out and ignore the current research. The history of that little ditty is the first "research" study was sampled from a gay pride parade in San Fran. Not only was that a non-random sample it was sampled using ONLY those who attended the parade. If you think that represents the general population you're nuts.
That's the problem with the studies he keeps talking about, but what can he do? That's all he has to support his position. It's called bluffing as he knows the studies have been debunked here over and over.