That depends on whether you are an optomist or not. I see the cup as half full rather than half empty. INdia is an Ally, Afghanistan saw us rum the Islamofascists out of power, and we establish a base to fight them further in Afghanista, all of which would not have happened in Democrats were leading our nation.
What remains to be done is to keep the faith and infoprm America about why we must continue our efforts as a bi-partisan policy, as we did during the cold war.
It is this cold war approach which needs to become the policy of our nation, and it is the real battle which now must be fought in order to consolidate the gains we have made in battling Islamofascism.
The gains have been substabntial, and Pakistan? They are coming round, and managed to inform Britain and the US of a plot that would have killed thousands.
I am quite optomistic also that Bibi might cause the Olmert government to fall.That is bound to happen.
Now we must defeat the Iran/Syria/Hamas axis, and it is unfortunate that Olmert does not have the religion that Bush and Blair obviously do.
Olmert had a chance at greatness, and instead, he looked the monstor in the face, shivered, and ran away mumbling liberal pronouncements on a victory that does not exist.He will go down in history as an liberal Islamofascist apologist.
But I believe the ultimate nuclear armed axis which the Islamofascists are striving for has not yet happened becuase of British and American intervention, and we are on the right path, but are far too willy-nilly and apologetic about it.
"Now we must defeat the Iran/Syria/Hamas axis, and it is unfortunate that Olmert does not have the religion that Bush and Blair obviously do.
Olmert had a chance at greatness, and instead, he looked the monstor in the face, shivered, and ran away mumbling liberal pronouncements on a victory that does not exist.He will go down in history as an liberal Islamofascist apologist.
But I believe the ultimate nuclear armed axis which the Islamofascists are striving for has not yet happened becuase of British and American intervention, and we are on the right path, but are far too willy-nilly and apologetic about it."
I agree with you fully, specifically on victories in Afghanistan and Pakistan coming around. Iraq likely will have a decent outcome, time will tell. We also blew an opportunity in supporting this resolution without addressing specifics on how Hezbollah will be disarmed. I try to stay positive, but am pessamistic when our country doesn't have the stomach for what needs to be done despite it being distasteful. We remember Nazi fascism and the final result. Now we see the same unfolding with a potential nuclear armed foe with the same maniacle tendencies and are skirting the war that must happen.
War has been declared on us from Iran and Hezbollah in 1979. Continuing to do nothing for their naked aggression has emboldened them. Islamic fascists that view us as cowards will attack us in bigger and bigger ways as was the case with Al Queda, until the Trade Towers were destoyed and we finally did what is necessary. The next attack will likely be nuclear and will as a nation will have to respond with horrific violence on the entire Middle East, instead of a painful but measured sacrifice now.