I'm glad Helen wasn't around in WWII. She would have wanted us to let Hitler have Europe and Tojo to have the West Pacific in order to end the suffering.
I think you are a jackass for comparing Condi to Helen.
Oh goodie - so Sandy Burgler, Warren Christopher and Thunder Thighs Albright have all the answers!
This clown is the "go-to" doofus for the lefties. He has zero credibility on everything he says.
Quote: "It will be a long time before America regains the great respect and reverence it once enjoyed among the peoples of the Middle East"
LOL when did anyone in the Middle East ever respect the USA?
The best and most truthful thing about this article is your comment after the author's name!
I guess that's why Syria and Iran have been aiding Hiz since 2000.
Honestly, nobody cares what Helen thinks.
"I'll live under that bridge when I get to it."
Former President Jimmy Carter has been critical of the Bush-Rice policies,
What more evidence do we need that bush-rice are on the right track?
"Rice apparently was dispatched to the Middle East to pass on to Israel the message that it has the green light from the White House to do whatever it wanted and could take more time to clobber the rocket-firing Hezbollah forces in Lebanon, despite Lebanese and international pleas for a truce."
And the problem is?
Yes, Condi Rice didn't get ceasefire breathing room for Fugly Thomas' Hezbollah friends to get more weapons from Syria and Iran. SHE FLUNKS!!! Thank god Condi flunked. An A grade from Fugly for Condi would have meant Hezbollah was given an advantage. Unfortunately the diplomatic types have managed to hold off Israel's need land invasion into Lebanon. That is what we non-terrorist supporters would give a failing grade to.
lol! I was gonna click on the story...then I saw it was helen thomas so i wasn't gonna...then i saw "hateful bitch" and i just had to come on and laugh at the old sea hag.
"Rice is out of her league and seems to have little knowledge about the Middle East. Her expertise was always on the now-defunct Soviet Union and the Cold War. "
If Republicans had listened to the DemonRAT experts that Hell-en worships, the Soviets would NOT be "DEFUNCT".
There were two posts to the "Discuss Helen Thomas' Opinion" link. The second one was:
Thank you for your predictible observation of the OUR President's and Secretary of States performance in the current conflict in the Middle East.
As usual you are a pacifist when it comes to handling terrorists! Helen they want to kill you ane me. They break all treaties and we must wipe all terrorists off the face of the earth.
Also, why does the US have to always be the solver of the worlds problems? Let Russia and China do a little work!
Liberals all have a POV! It is just the wrong one!
Great response! Could that be FReeper ILuvW?
It's pretty obvious that Helen's not jellin'!
God, if there was ever an image of a true human witch (mimicking the cartoon version of the 'witch') Helen Thomas would be it. Scary stuff.
Condi 08!
Like, who gives a flip?