And the Democrats want to give Bush crap about monitoring overseas phone calls. It should be an interesting election this Fall.
America is hypnotized by the liberal crap... They see this as all Bush's fault... If we weren't in Iraq there would be no terror plots... sheesh.... It is way past time for our GOP reps to be out there trumpeting the what if we had not acted scenarios instead of reacting to Dem criticsm at every turn.
Anybody in Connecticut wanna reconsider their votes this morning?
Especially after the Lieberman defeat and the RATs taking that as a cue to move even further to the left. They may have found a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory yet again.
It sure should be interesting Outrance however the GOP does not fight the information war as well as they fight terrorists.
When was the last time (or first time for that matter) that you heard the GOP state that the USA and its allies of the willing have won 2 wars, Afghanistan and the Iraq military so far and are now fighting the 3rd war against Iranian backed genetic inferior subhuman debris? NOOOOO! Then let the MSM communists pound us every day an make like the current war is the only one we fought.
This is beginning to remind me of how Bush 41 did not fight hard for a 2nd term and tried to play nice with the devil party resulting in 8 years of sex, drugs and rock and roll. The roll being Hillary's fat ass.
The `rats don`t want phone calls monitored because they are afraid they will be caught planning with Al-Qaeda. What other reason is there?
Yeah. The only upside to this stuff is it may give the Pubs an edge in the elections. I happen to be a little nervous about the Dems winning in '08 and what that will mean for our security.
People should be really scared. On Bennett this morning, Horowitz was talking about Soros (traitor) and imagine Sorox pulling the puppet strings on someone like Kerry.
And, after this, the Republicans will win!