Thanks for the vote of optimism.
I'm getting daily 4-color mailings from the campaign. So is wife, separately. That's a rather intense campaign, I'm impressed.
Have you heard these 3rd party 'spending fiesta' ads against Schwarz on radio?
This is news, a conservative going after a RINO in Washtenaw? Got to love it!
Thanks for the post/link on the state board.
Here is the geography:
I live in Salem, that weird easternmost township. It's extremely conservative here, and the fact that this township sticks out bigger than MI's thumb is no accident.
Can't wait for the fun after the next census when we lose another seat or two and carving takes place with sharper knives.
I'm getting mailings from both campaigns on a regular basis too, and I'm in Waterloo (NE Jackson County, Grass Lake mailing).
According to the CitPat, Schwartz played this "funding card" before. He uses it when he's sensing a loss, so this is a good sign for we conservatives.
Go Tim, Go!