I do believe this would be a good time for Jesus to return... this world of ours is getting more unbearable every day...
Well, I don't know about the world, but I can guarantee that Fox News is getting more unbearable every day.
BS, my grandchildren deserve to live a full and long life. Take out iran, syria, and any other bastards that want us wiped off the face of the earth.
What is this eagerness for the world to be over with? The Muzzies seem to want that, too.
The solution is to put an end to these pyschotic killers. Here we have no abiding city, and all of us know it, but God created us to know him, love him and serve him here on earth - and to be with him in Heaven when the time comes. I want my kids to have a long, happy and productive life. For that, we've got to stand up to the satanically inspired evil of Islam and drive it out, not hope it kills us fast and gets it all over with.