" The Germans stated the war, we (the Allies) finished it!"
That there is the key. If the Israelis have the will to do it, then it can be done.
This is what needs to be done:
1. Unfortunately there is no one to 'negotiate' with as far as Hezbullah is concerned. They're all terrorists, and none of them are going to come out and advocate 'peace', even if you wipe out every man, woman, and child in S. Lebannon. They simply don't care for their own people. So trying to do to Hezbullah what we did to Hitler will not work.
2. The Israelis need to destroy and inflict as much damage to S. Lebannon as possible, but then they need to have someone step in and 'take over' S. Lebanon who can have TOTAL CONTROL over that part of the country and not let the terrorists be in control. If not, the terrorists will re-group and return like tropical mosquitos.
3. The Israelis can't do it unless they want to be "occupiers", which they don't. So, who is left?
- the Lebanese? they don't have an army (only politicians in Beirut)
- the UN? get serious!
- the US? not on your life!
- the Egyptians? Jordanians? French? Germans? Italians? Chinese? who?
There is only country that can take control over that southern section (basically ANNEX it to their own country), and that is: SYRIA
Yes, Syria. The Israelis have a peacful border with them (no fighting) and could be kept under a watchful eye by Israel. In fact, Syria by taking "ownership" of that section, could be held directly responsible for any transgressions and would then face the consequences directly from Israel, something they would want to avoid.
It sounds far-fetched, but unless you see any other party who would be strong enough (militarily and culturally) to control the population in that area, there is no one else.
So true. This when Israel may wish Olmert was not PM and the voters had elected a stronger voice from the 'real' conservative wing of Likud, but that remains only wishful thinking. We have to deal with the here and now.
".Unfortunately there is no one to 'negotiate' with as far as Hezbullah is concerned."
Iran's Hizballah by nature is a self proclamied Shi'ite death cult, where as you are totally correct negotiating with Islamic serial killers is no only out of the question, but should not even be proposed. Only total victory and the surrender of the Islamic enemy is the only option. Israel must not get bogged down in a no win truce with murderers and hostage takers.
"So trying to do to Hezbullah what we did to Hitler will not work."
In terms of Assad's Syria, Damascus calls the real shots via Hizballah. I firmly believe eventually (& that may be soon) this war will reach the very doorsteps of Assad in the heart of Damascus and after that those which bankroll both Syria and Hizballah as well as Hamas, Islamic Iran. America and Israel battle the same forces of Iranian armed evil, in the Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan.
The President should place Putin on notice in a private session, '..continue arming Iran and their terrorist proxies and Moscow will considered the source of Iranian back terrorism' and the United States will be forced to act accordingly. (More wishful thinking on my part)
Americans should never consider that the vast majority of the Lebanon's people are in full support of Hizballah.