"The New York Times" is not some monolithic faceless alien oracle.
It is run by this man Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and his cadre of socialist crook propagandists from NYC's 42nd st.
Sulzberger is an enemy of the state and should be surveilled and brought up on charges of sedition. bttt
Where does this Sulzberger person live on the weekends?
uh, 43rd st...
Hi Matchett
I couldn't agree with you more!
He's an enemy of the country, not merely the state. He's also gone beyond sedition, way beyond, to something that is indistinguishable from Treason, via the "in adhering to their (The United States) Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort" route.
Y'all vets and current military remember the "all enemies, foreign and domestic" part of your oaths? This is exactly what it was talking about.