Forgitaboutit. They are being held in what is called "pretrial confinement." This is where the military puts soldiers accused of serious crimes, i.e., in this case, murder. While in the Army JAG corps, working on the defense side of the house, I never saw the accused that we visited being led around in chains. This seems very excessive to me. However, any soldier that was ever accused of murder, rape, serious offenses, was put in pretrial confinement. That is no surprise. Only, this chain thing bothers me. Are the Marines expecting one of these guys to try to bolt or something? Plus, whenever an accused visited with his attorney, he was free to move about in the room, communicate, and there were never any chains involved.
Even back when I was stationed in Germany, and we had GI's serving sentences in German prisons for murders, we were required to visit them once a month from our JAG office. Even the Germans did not treat convicted murders like this. Seems excessive, especially when they are behind bars.
Two things come to mind:
1. Risk of retaliation against a witness;
2. Suicide risk.