"All Coulter did was point out this lack of decency. It is a curious thing that you do not side with Coulter, but with the enemies of America."
I take it you come from the school of gutter politics as well.
Don't be silly.
The entire point Ann is making is that democrats have started using "messengers" that can't be politely criticized, because they can no longer monopolize and manipulate the organs of communication to silence their opposition.
What makes the left so mad is Ann gave away their secret weapon, and she's lmmune to their retaliation ...as long as conservatives stick by her. She has done and said nothing the left doesn't practice on a regular basis.
And before the old chestnut gets rolled out...yes we do have to sink to their level.
Fight fire with fire.
You can take the high road if you like.......Those people will show you no mercy when and if their plans and time table ever comes to fruition.