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Haditha: reasonable Doubt
Hawai`i Free Press ^ | 06-05-06 | Andrew Walden

Posted on 06/05/2006 11:31:50 AM PDT by AndrewWalden

Haditha: Reasonable Doubt

“…the accused must be presumed to be innocent until his guilt is established by legal and competent evidence beyond reasonable doubt.” -- Uniform Code of Military Justice, USC Title 10, Chapter 47, Subchapter VII, Article 51(c)(1)

by Andrew Walden

Eager to score points against President Bush, US Representative John Murtha (D-PA) is calling the November 19 incident in Haditha “murder”. He claims there is a “cover up.” Over 40 news stories appeared Memorial Day weekend calling Haditha, “an atrocity” or “a massacre.” Murtha says, Haditha “is worse than abu-Ghraib.” Terrorist cheerleader and Cindy Sheehan associate Dahr Jamail is calling for the death penalty. The terror apologists of the Council on American Islamic Relations are calling for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to resign. Al-Qaeda terrorists from Zarqawi’s group, Ansar al-Sunnah are circulating leaflets in Haditha congratulating “those who participated in exposing the dirty deeds of the Americans.”

The liberal media is chiming in to make sure that Haditha is used to wear down support for our troops in Iraq—just as they did with abu-Ghraib. Peering through the media smokescreen few have noticed that all of the actual shooting eye-witnesses in the media’s kangaroo court are local Iraqis--witnesses who are under constant threat from terrorists and whose motivations may be suspect. All the US witnesses currently quoted in the media saw events before or after the alleged shootings—but not the shootings themselves.

Only now—two and a half months after the story broke in the March 19 issue of Time magazine-- are the voices of soldiers who question the charges beginning to be heard. Marine Captain James Kimber commanded Lima Company of the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment. The troops involved in the incident were from Kilo Company. He tells interviewers that he first learned about the shootings in February when he heard that a Time magazine reporter was asking questions about civilian deaths. Notably, Kimber says he heard nothing about a civilian massacre during weekly meetings with the Haditha City Council and talks with local leaders. "It would have been huge, there would have been no question it would have filtered down to us," he said. "We reported no significant atmospheric change as a result of that day." Kimber who has been relieved of his command and is back in Camp Pendleton, CA says, “I believe I was a political casualty as a result of the Haditha incident.” Some media accounts indicate that some of the dead were relatives of a Haditha City Council member. The May 12, 2006 edition of Iraq Reconstruction Update carries a photo and short article about Marine officers holding weekly meetings with the Haditha City Council with no mention of the alleged shooting controversy.

According to the Associated Press, “Kimber, who was nominated for a Bronze Star for valor in Haditha, was relieved of command because his subordinates used profanity, removed sunglasses and criticized the performance of Iraqi security services during an interview with Britain's Sky News TV.” Kimber’s attorney is former Democrat congressional candidate Paul Hackett.

CNN reporter, Arwa Damon, writes: “I know the Marines that were operating in western al Anbar, from Husayba all the way to Haditha. I went on countless operations in 2005 up and down the Euphrates River Valley. I was pinned on rooftops with them in Ubeydi for hours taking incoming fire, and I've seen them not fire a shot back because they did not have positive identification on a target. I saw their horror when they thought that they finally had identified their target, fired a tank round that went through a wall and into a house filled with civilians. They then rushed to help the wounded -- remarkably no one was killed. “I was with them in Husayba as they went house to house in an area where insurgents would booby-trap doors, or lie in wait behind closed doors with an AK-47, basically on suicide missions, just waiting for the Marines to come through and open fire. There were civilians in the city as well, and the Marines were always keenly aware of that fact. How they didn't fire at shadows, not knowing what was waiting in each house, I don't know. But they didn't….” Martin Terrazas is the father of Lance Cpl. Miguel Terrazas, age 20 of El Paso, TX, who was the only US Marine killed in the incident. The elder Terrazas tells the Associated Press: “It is very hard for me, I don’t even listen to the news. The insurgents were hiding in there with the kids….” Miguel’s Uncle, Luis Terrazas says, “Jarheads don't just go out and kill because they get frustrated. Their training is exquisite. It just doesn't make sense."

Marine Second Lt. Ilario Pantano spoke out against Murtha’s rush to judgment in the Haditha case in a May 28 letter to the editor of the Washington Post. Wrote Pantano: “Members of the U.S. military serving in Iraq need more than Mr. Murtha's pseudo-sympathy. They need leaders to stand with them even in the hardest of times. Let the courts decide if these Marines are guilty. They haven't even been charged with a crime yet, so it is premature to presume their guilt -- unless that presumption is tied to a political motive.” Pantano should know. He was falsely charged with two counts of murder in Iraq--only to see those charges collapse when he presented autopsy results in his defense at trial. Who are the accusers? In the haze created by the media frenzy, it may seem that there are reports from eye witnesses to the actual shooting who are not Iraqi locals. This is not true. One non-Iraqi account comes from Lance Cpl. James Crossan. Crossan was sitting next to Terrazas. Wounded in the IED explosion that killed Terrazas, Crossan was evacuated and did not see any of the action after the explosion-- the events in question. After learning of the media accounts, Crossan tells local reporters, “I think they were just blinded by hate ... and they just lost control," –but he has no first hand knowledge of the events after he was evacuated. This does not keep the media from splashing selectively quoted pieces of his speculation all over the airwaves anyway. The only other non-Iraqi account comes from another of the Marines in Haditha that day, Lance Cpl. Roel Ryan Briones of Hanford, CA. In a May 29 Los Angeles Times article Briones describes his emotional trauma after participating in the removal of mangled bodies after the incident. Briones helped evacuate Lance Cpl. Crossan. Briones later returned to the scene as part of a crew dispatched to take the bodies to the morgue. He is also not a direct eyewitness to any of the killing. He claims to have photographed the aftermath of the incident but says he erased the photos from his digital camera. He believes the images had been first downloaded by superiors after the November 19 incident. Back home in Hanford, CA for 36 hours, Briones allegedly crashed a stolen pickup into a house. Briones is charged with auto theft, drunk-driving, resisting arrest and leaving the scene of an accident in the April 4 incident. He faces trial in mid-June. As of this writing, the military investigation is not complete and no charges related to Haditha have been brought against any US soldier. The actual eyewitnesses claiming to have seen the shooting as it happened are three Iraqis: According to a May 27 Washington Post article, “only 13-year-old Safa Younis lived -- saved, she said, by her mother's blood spilling onto her, making her look dead when she fell, limp, in a faint….Townspeople led a Washington Post reporter this week to the girl they identified as Safa. Wearing a ponytail and tracksuit, the girl said her mother died trying to gather the girls. The girl burst into tears after a few words. The older couple caring for her apologized and asked the reporter to leave.” This account differs slightly from an ABC News report which shows a video of Safa Younis. She calmly says yes to leading questions from an off-camera interviewer describing Marines throwing a grenade into the bathroom of her home and killing the other seven members of her family. She responds with amazing composure for one who has witnessed the murder of her parents and siblings. She does not mention her mother’s blood spilling all over her. She says she is 12 years old. Is it staged testimony? This can only be discovered in an investigation or trial. ITV news March 30 carries yet another interview—this time with a ten-year-old Iraqi girl named Iman Walid. Like Safa, Iman calmly describes the murder of seven members of her family by US Marines in Haditha on November 19. A third person, Aws Fahmi, claims to live next door to the house where the massacre allegedly occurred and also claims to be a friend of the men killed in the taxi. He claims to be an eyewitness.

Ali al-Mashhadani, an Iraqi journalist reporting on the Haditha incident was recently re-arrested by the Marines for suspected insurgent ties. He was held for 12 days. Al-Mashhadani had earlier been held for five months beginning August 8, 2005 and ending in January, 2006. According to Reuters, “Among Mashhadani's recent stories was reporting from the town of Haditha in March. Following Time magazine's revelation of accusations that U.S. Marines shot dead 24 civilians there in November, he filmed fresh interviews with local officials and residents that were widely used by international media.”

According to the March 19 Time article:

A day after the incident, a Haditha journalism student videotaped the scene at the local morgue and at the homes where the killings had occurred. The video was obtained by the Hammurabi Human Rights Group, which cooperates with the internationally respected Human Rights Watch, and has been shared with Time.

This video is the source of all the images being spread across the international media purporting to show the aftermath of the Haditha incident. The “internationally respected” Human Rights Watch (HRW) has been accused of anti-Israel bias and is funded by numerous left-wing foundations including George Soros’ Open Society Institute. HRW accuses US forces of “torture” in Iraq and Afghanistan which, in one report, it defines as, “interrogation techniques including hooding, stripping detainees naked, subjecting them to extremes of heat, cold, noise and light, and depriving them of sleep….” HRW advocates putting US soldiers under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court--a foreign-controlled judiciary. A key point in dispute is whether the 24 who died in Haditha November 19 were gunned down, as Murtha says, “in cold blood” or were 15 civilians killed by the IED and nine hostiles then killed in a firefight as the Marines claim. The families refuse to allow an exhumation which could possibly answer this key question. According to the June 2 Washington Post, those exhumations may occur soon. The Post continues: “The delay already has presented many hurdles for investigators, who have had to rely on dated information, witnesses and suspects who had months to tailor their stories, and a lack of fairly routine forensic evidence that should have been collected at the time the civilians were killed….” Without an exhumation all allegations that 15 of the dead were killed by gunfire rather than an IED explosion rely on the death certificates issued by the local Iraqi doctors at the Haditha hospital morgue where the bodies were taken by Briones and other Marines dispatched after the incident. These doctors live under constant threat from terrorist insurgents. There may be evidence one way or the other from aerial battlefield surveillance and Marine radio traffic. This evidence is not yet available to the media.

There is a possibility that Iraqi eyewitness sources’ credibility may fall apart in the event of a trial. It has happened before in similar cases. The reasons are deep rooted in tribal culture. A British case which speaks directly to the credibility of tribal witnesses and to the Islamic tribal tradition of “blood money” collapsed November 3, 2005. On trial were seven British soldiers charged with murder stemming from a May, 2003 incident in Ferkah, Iraq. All charges were dismissed after it became clear that the key witnesses were lying in order to gain “blood money”. The BBC describes the collapse of the trial as follows: “…it has become clear to everyone involved as the trial has progressed that the main Iraqi witnesses had colluded to exaggerate and lie about the incident.”

Three women had admitted lying about being assaulted by British soldiers and one witness had told the court that Mr. Abdullah's family encouraged others to tell lies, Judge Blackett said.

Witnesses some distance from the scene “could not possibly have seen what they said they saw”, he added.

And Iraqi court witnesses had used the case to seek “compensation to what were patently exaggerated claims”, he said.

One witness at the court martial, Samira Rishek, a Marsh-Arab who had claimed to have been brutally beaten by the soldiers while she was pregnant, admitted to the court it was a “wicked lie".

The court heard that Mrs. Rishek, along with other witnesses, was paid $100 a day to give evidence at the trial and that she only agreed to give evidence after being told she would be paid.

BBC correspondent Paul Adams said there was an "underlying sense" that some of the witnesses were "out to try and get something for themselves".

A number of questions were going to be asked about why the trial had been mounted, he added.

Roger Brice, solicitor for defendant Pte Samuel May told BBC News there had never been a case to answer.

"What the judge has done today is stop the case when the prosecution have concluded... there was never a case for any of the defendants to answer.

“He summed up the fact that the evidence as it came out in these last two months has been one of acknowledged lies."

Why all the lies for a paltry $100 per day? It makes sense for a tribal person who believes that the blood money system is the way of the world. A February 2, 2004 BBC article explains the workings of the blood money system in a case involving only Iraqis:

On the side of a road in a ramshackle tent tribal elders have gathered for a court case, but it is not an ordinary law court, it's a tribal court. The case defies logic - one brother has killed another, but the tribe they belonged to is blaming a rival tribe for the killing.

Their argument is that if there had not been a feud with the other tribe, the killing would not have taken place; they are now demanding $20,000 in blood money….

At the tribal court, the discussion is heated, but not about guilt or innocence. Through a complex network of tribal support, both sides know where they stand, now it is just a matter of agreeing the money.

Eventually the price is knocked down to $4,000 and a woman, her value to be determined in later negotiations.

For many Iraqis it's a system that works, and in a violent region recompense appears much more practical than locking someone away.

The logic in the British case and possibly in Haditha is simple: If the coalition did not have a fight with the insurgents, the deaths would not have occurred. The deaths cause a loss in the resources of the tribe. The tribe cannot file a claim with Zarqawi--he might chop their heads off--therefore it is the coalition that owes blood money. In the eyes of tribal people such as Haditha residents, this debt is owed regardless of who actually killed the 24 people in Haditha or the circumstances of those deaths. The payment of blood money is not an admission of guilt; it is a balancing of tribal obligations.

What tribal Iraqis would understand as blood money has in fact already been paid by US military representatives in Haditha. According to the May 31 New York Times payments totaling $38,000 were made “within weeks of the shootings” to the families of 15 of the 24 dead. The Times continues:

In an interview Tuesday, Maj. Dana Hyatt, the officer who made the payments, said he was told by superiors to compensate the relatives of 15 victims, but was told that rest of those killed had been deemed to have committed hostile acts, leaving their families ineligible for compensation.

After the initial payments were made, however, those families demanded similar payments, insisting their relatives had not attacked the marines, Major Hyatt said….

The list of 15 victims deemed to be noncombatants was put together by intelligence personnel attached to the battalion, Major Hyatt said. Those victims were related to a Haditha city council member, he said. The American military sometimes pays compensation to relatives of civilian victims.

The relatives of each victim were paid a total of $2,500, the maximum allowed under Marine rules, along with $250 payments for two children who were wounded. Major Hyatt said he also compensated the families for damage to two houses.

"I didn't say we had made a mistake," Major Hyatt said, describing what he had told the city council member who was representing the victims. "I said I'm being told I can make payments for these 15 because they were deemed not to be involved in combat."

The description of compensation “within weeks” of November 19 places the payments in December. Time magazine says it was early January when they gave US military spokesman Col. Barry Johnson, a copy of a video of the Haditha aftermath. That would place the release of the video to Time just after the payment of compensation to the families of the 15 Haditha residents killed. Could the release of the video have been motivated by demands for blood money for the families of the other nine?

The online encyclopedia Wikipedia describes blood money traditions throughout the Islamic world:

In Islamic and Arab traditions, blood money is the money paid by the killer or his family or clan to the family or the clan of the victim. It is unlawful for a believer to kill a believer except if it happens by accident. And he who kills a believer accidentally must free one Muslim slave and pay ‘Diyat’ to the heirs of the victim except if they forgive him. The tradition finds repeated endorsement in Islamic tradition; several instances are recorded in the Hadith, which are the acts of the Prophet Mohammad.

The Blood - Money tradition has found its way into legislation in several Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan. Some of these countries also define, by lawful legislation, a hierarchy of (cash) rates for the lives of people….

Are lies being told to obtain blood money payments? Some insight comes in this response to the collapse of the British trial by Stephan Holland, a Baghdad-based US contractor.

I’ve been in Iraq for about 18 months now performing construction management. It is simply not possible for me to exaggerate the massive amounts of lies we wade through every single day. There is no way - absolutely none - to determine facts from bulls*** ….

It is not even considered lying to them; it is more akin to being clever - like keeping your cards close to your chest. And they don’t just lie to westerners. They believe that appearances--saving face--are of paramount importance. They lie to each other all the time about anything in order to leverage others on a deal or manipulate an outcome of some sort or cover up some major or minor embarrassment. It’s just how they do things, period.

I’m not trying to disparage them here. I get along great with a lot of them. But even among those that I like, if something happens (on the job) I’ll get 50 wildly different stories, every time. There’s no comparison to it in any other part of the world where I’ve worked. The lying is ubiquitous and constant.

The British Ministry of Defense spent the equivalent of about $18 million on the investigation and the trial which collapsed in November, 2005—29 months after the initial incident. The Haditha charges could also collapse, but not until the media and politicians have enjoyed months of free reign to slander US combat troops’ conduct in Iraq. This could be very demoralizing to US troops who may feel their combat operations will be dissected under a microscope by investigators who do not share their risk. If the British case is a model then the investigation will be followed by a trial which could drag out until early 2008. Investigators must to dig out the truth so the sacrifices made by our troops in Iraq are not swept away in a sea of lies.

CNN Arwa Damon: Captain James Kimber:,2933,197851,00.html Lt Ilario Pantano: Lance Cpl James Crossan: Lance Cpl RR Briones:,0,2620650.story?coll=la-home-headlines

Safa Younis: Iman Walid:

Ali al-Mashhadani:

Human Rights Watch:


Blood Money Trial UK: Blood Money Trial Iraq: Compensation Paid by US: Blood Money: Stephan Holland:

Related items: Haditha one month before the alleged incident. Haditha under the insurgents.

TOPICS: Editorial; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: haditha; iraq; marines; murtha; murthawatch; supportthetroops
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To: RedRover


Are there other details that we should add to this; like a fact sheet or something?

Would give one quick reference to all the important facts.

61 posted on 03/16/2007 4:04:09 PM PDT by pinkpanther111 (They were doing their jobs!!! Defend our Marines)
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To: pinkpanther111

Just got off the train and am looking at a hell of a wintry mix on the ground! Must be the same up by you. Gotta slog through it, so more in a bit!

62 posted on 03/16/2007 4:12:04 PM PDT by RedRover (Defend Our Marines!)
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To: RedRover

Yeah it is... I thought we were done with this mess..

63 posted on 03/16/2007 4:19:42 PM PDT by pinkpanther111 (They were doing their jobs!!! Defend our Marines)
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To: pinkpanther111

Just got in the house. Ice on rain on five inches of snow. I'm going to fuel up with espresso before getting out the shovel.

64 posted on 03/16/2007 4:42:51 PM PDT by RedRover (Defend Our Marines!)
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To: RedRover; pinkpanther111

Okay, here's what I've got so far. I labeled the names from the Hammurabi rights group as A through W to differintitate from 1-20 from the USMC charge sheet.
Hammarabi Rights Group list:

House 1:

(J) Asmaa Salman Raseef, 32;
(K) Abdullah Waleed Abdul Hameed, child;
(L) Abdul Hameed Hasan Ali, late 70s;
(M) Waleed Abdul Hameed Hassan, 35;
(N) Rasheed Abdul Hameed Hassan, 30;
(O) Khameesa Toama Ali, 65.

House 2:

(P) Younis Salim Raseef, 41;
(Q) Aida Yaseen Ahmed, 35;
® Muhammad Younis Salim, child;
(S) Noor Younis Salim, 14;
(T) Sabaa Younis Salim, 9;
(U) Aisha Younis Salim, 2;
(V) Zainab Younis Salim, 3;
(W) Huda Yaseen Ahmed, 28.


(A) Ahmed Finer Muslih, 25;
(B) Khalid Oyada Abid, 27;
© Wajdi Oyada Abid, 22;
(D) Akram Hameed Flayeh, 21;
(E) Muhammad Fatal Ahmed, 21.

House 3:

(F) Jamal Ayed Ahmed, 41;
(G) Chassib Ayed Ahmed, 27;
(H) Marwan Ayed Ahmed, 28;
(I) Kahtan Ayed Ahmed, 24

I started with A through E for the taxi because they were easiest to identify. F through I were next easiest dealing with house 3 (or also called house 4 sometimes). After printing 2 side by sides of the USMC and Hammurabi lists for comparison, I came up with the following:

Sergeant Sanick P. Dela Cruz and Staff Sergeant Frank D. Wuterich

1. did murder Ahmed Khutar Musleh, also known as Ahmed Fenr Muselh. - A (Taxi)

2. did murder Wagdi Aida Alzawi, also known as Wgedi Aida Abd. C (Taxi)

3. did murder Kaled Aida Alzawi, also known as Kaled Aida Abd. B (Taxi)

4. did murder Mohmed Tabal Ahmed, also known as Mohmed Betel Ahmed. D (Taxi)

5. did murder Akram Hamid Flaeh, also known as Akram Hmid Fluih. E (Taxi)

Staff Sergeant Frank D. Wuterich and Lance Corporal Stephen B. Tatum

6. did murder Zainab Unes Salim. V (House #2)

Lance Corporal Justin L. Sharratt

7. did murder Jasib Aiad Ahmed. G (House 3 or 4)

8. did murder Kahtan Aiad Ahmed. I (House 3 or 4)

9. did murder Jamal Aiad Ahmed. F (House 3 or 4)

Lance Corporal Stephen B. Tatum

10. did murder Noor Salim Rasif. ? S or P (House #2)

11. did unlawfully kill Abdul Hameed Husin Ali. L (House #3)

12. did unlawfully kill Guhid Abdalhamid Hasan. ? M (House #1)

13. did unlawfully kill Asmaa Salman Rasif, also known as Asamaa Salman Rasif. J (House #1)

14. did unlawfully kill Abdullah Waleed Abdul Hameed, also known as Abdullah Waleed Abdul. K (House #1)

Staff Sergeant Frank D. Wuterich

15. did murder Huda Yasin Ahmed. W (House #2)

16. did murder Aida Yasin Ahmed. Q (House #2)

17. did murder Mohmed Yunis Salim. R (House #2)

18. did murder Aisha Unes Salim. U (House #2)

19. did murder Sebea Yunis Salim. T (House #2)

20. did murder Marwan Aiad Ahmed. H (House #3 or 4)

I wasn't sure if #10 was either S or P. Not sure if #12 was M. See if you concur with these designations so far.

N and O are definitely unaccounted for. M, P, and S aren't sure about who's charged with who.

65 posted on 03/16/2007 6:02:15 PM PDT by Girlene
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To: Girlene

Girlene you are Super Sonic...the S is for super the U is for unique....(I don't know the rest of the song) the P is for for now you are SUP!

Break it down is what you did! Impressive.

66 posted on 03/16/2007 8:23:25 PM PDT by lilycicero (SSgt Frank Wuterich and his squad did their job well.)
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To: lilycicero

I agree!!!!
My eyelids are gettin heavy I will study harder on it tomorrow!

67 posted on 03/16/2007 8:32:58 PM PDT by pinkpanther111 (They were doing their jobs!!! Defend our Marines)
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To: Girlene
Of course, we need to remember that the Hammurabi Human Rights Group is really just this guy...

68 posted on 03/17/2007 6:30:29 AM PDT by RedRover (Defend Our Marines!)
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To: Girlene
I don't see any flaws in your designations.

So maybe it'll be instructive to look back at this timeline that you created earlier and see how it lines up.

Pieced Together Timeline (Work-in-Progress): November 19, 2005

[Note: This is a work-in-progress. Information has been drawn from the Washington Post story based the NCIS report and the Vanity Fair article, "Rules of Engagement".

6:00 am, Firm Base Sparta, Marines learn squad would be bringing fresh Iraqi troops to a traffic checkpoint in Haditha (Main road is River Road)

6:45 am The Marines leave in 4 Vehicle Convoy

7:00 am Switch out Iraqi troops at checkpoint, turn back, on River Road

Vanity Fair says took hot breakfast, radio-coding card to observation post, 3 miles away from base, return with Iraqis

7:15 Turn off River Road to Route Chestnut (wide thorough-fare through cluster of houses)

Convoy includes:

1st Humvee - Salinas, Rodriguez, and Sharratt

2nd Humvee - Mendoza, De La Cruz, and Tatum

3rd Humvee - Wuterich, Graviss, and a medic named Whitt Command Vehicle)

4th Humvee - Miguel Terrazas (at wheel), James Crossan, Salvador Guzman

Sharratt ( in turret of 1st Humvee) waves a white sedan over to side of "Route Chestnut."

As the sedan slides to the south shoulder, a blast rocks the neighborhood

The land mine is a sizable propane tank, stuffed with high explosives, buried directly in the road, and paved over that apparently no surface disturbance was visible. (assume a spotter used trigger ?)

Terrazas, (driving the fourth Humvee) killed instantly, Crossan is trapped and seriously wounded, Guzman who was standing in back is thrown clear, breaks foot

Marines rush to help, say they took enemy rifle fire from several locations on north and south sides of road Navy Hospitalman Brian D. Whitt saw
- bullet impacts near his feet;
- noticed men with rifles disappearing from atop a house to the north
- some of the fire appeared to be coming from behind white taxi

Taxi (5 Men Killed)

One Marine (Dela Cruz?) and two Iraqi soldiers (Sgt Asad Amer Mashoot, 26 is one) said the men who had been in the taxi were standing in a line outside it, some with their hands in the air, when Wuterich began to fire on them Dela Cruz said the men were standing in a line when they started to fall

Dela Cruz said
- as he crossed the median he saw one of the Iraqi civilians (standing in the center of the line) drop to the ground;
- another Iraqi standing by him raised hands to his head;
- then heard other small arms fire;
- looked to his left and saw Sgt. Wuterich kneeling on one knee, shooting his M16 in the direction of the Iraqi civilians (taxi occupants)
- he pumped bullets into the Iraqi mens’ bodies after they were on the ground; later urinated on one.

Wuterich said men got out of the car, and he shot them because he considered them a threat (Wuterich says more about incident in another article)

Dela Cruz told investigators that Wuterich asked him to back up claims that the men in the taxi were trying to flee before they were shot. Puckett, Wuterich's lawyer, "Staff Sergeant Wuterich adamantly denies asking anybody to lie or change their story."

Quick Reaction Force (QRF) arrives from the Marine base, minutes later

Lt. William T. Kallop, - first officer on the scene (from QRF)

Kallop says he began to receive enemy fire almost immediately

Cpl. Hector A. Salinas spots a man firing at squad from corner of a house on south side of road
Salinas says he could see the enemy so Kallop told them to 'take the house’ (first evidence that officer ordered attack)

(ROE card in effect at time in western Iraq instructed Marines to
- "ALWAYS minimize collateral damage,
- Targets must be positively identified as threats before a Marine can open fire
- Also told Marines that "nothing on this card prevents you from using all force necessary to defend yourself

First House (5 or 6 ? Killed)

Team formed – Wuterich, , Salinas, Tatum and Lance Cpl. Humberto M. Mendoza
-attack the house, launching grenades first and then bust through door
- Wuterich told them to treat it as hostile environment, told them to shoot first, ask questions later
- After entering through kitchen, Tatum thinks he hears AK-47 rifle being "racked" around a corner
- Tatum and Salinas toss grenades into room
- Waleed Hasan, 37, was killed. [No one is charged with the murder of someone of this name as spelled.]
- Khamisa Ali, 66, was shot dead in the hallway [No one is charged with the murder of someone of this name as spelled.]
- before four others were killed in a bedroom by grenades and rifle fire
- Eman Hamed (9 yrs) says grenade land near her grandfather's bed and explodes, sends shrapnel through room. Her mother and brother (4 yrs) were killed as she huddled, injured, with other brother, Abid, 6, who survived. Abid says Marines were shooting in all rooms [No one is charged with the murder of anyone with the last name of Hamed.]
- Several Marines said they quickly cleared the home by fire

Second House (? Killed)

- Wuterich, Tatum, and Mendoza move on to 2nd house (suspect insurgents may have escaped)
- Mendoza says they approach 2nd house same way – treat as hostile
- Mendoza shoots man, Yunis Rasif (43), through the house's glass kitchen door [No one is charged with his murder]
- Mendoza says his training is that all individuals in a hostile house are to be shot
- Marines enter the house, and toss grenades before firing into a back bedroom, (later found filled with women and children)

Another House(s) – Possible trigger house on North side of Road at same time as house 1 and 2

-Dela Cruz and other Marines enter possible trigger house, north side of road, search several houses, shoot no one, take prisoners

Man shot by Marines running along ridgeline

Several Hours later

Third and Fourth House (? Killed)

- Wuterich, Sharratt, and Salinas see men peering at them suspiciously, enter 3rd and 4th house
- Iraqi witnesses say 3 Marines separated men and women in 2 lines, marched men into 4th house, shot them
- 3 Marines say they were searching for the men they had seen, separated women into a safe area, Wuterich and Sharratt entered the house

69 posted on 03/17/2007 6:46:51 AM PDT by RedRover (Defend Our Marines!)
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To: RedRover

That guy is creepy looking. Is his other line of work being a used car salesman? Actually, it appears he turned over the video sometime in January, 2006 (only a two month delay).

Okay, what I think I have so far is

5 charges for taxi deaths (5 killed)
4 charges for House 1 (6 possibly killed)
7 charges for House 2 (8 possibly killed)
4 charges for House 3 (or 4) (4 killed)

20 charges out of 23 possibly killed; 2 charges missing from house 1, 1 charge missing from house 2.

I will put up my latest list connecting the USMC charges and hammurabi list in the next post.

70 posted on 03/17/2007 6:46:55 AM PDT by Girlene
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To: Girlene

You realise we're digging into this in a way that the MSM has never done.

71 posted on 03/17/2007 6:57:40 AM PDT by RedRover (Defend Our Marines!)
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To: pinkpanther111; Girlene
While waiting for Girl's next post (and in between hacking icebergs out of my driveway) it occurs to me that we could talk about your blog notion here on an open thread. It's a lot easier than Freepmail--especially to get Girl in the discussion.

Frank's interview is the big upcoming event. And the big concern is that the interviewer says 24 civilians were killed.

Even using the gov't and terrorist-sympathizer tallies that we're collating here, the number of 24 won't be accurate. Also, it's extremely misleading for a news outlet to give the impression that no insurgents were killed in Haditha.

So you or I could do a blog entry today on the subject of whether 60 Minutes will be fair to our Marines.

Then you or I could do a follow up Sunday night after the interview.

Hopefully, Girlene's spade work will give us some solid numbers to use.

What do you think, pink?

72 posted on 03/17/2007 7:10:59 AM PDT by RedRover (Defend Our Marines!)
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To: RedRover; pinkpanther111

Here's the latest combined list of USMC and Hammurabi Rights group list (best guess). I've added ages and M for male when known:

Sergeant Sanick P. Dela Cruz and Staff Sergeant Frank D. Wuterich

1. did murder Ahmed Khutar Musleh, also known as Ahmed Fenr Muselh. - A (Taxi) (25) M

2. did murder Wagdi Aida Alzawi, also known as Wgedi Aida Abd. C (Taxi) (22) M

3. did murder Kaled Aida Alzawi, also known as Kaled Aida Abd. B (Taxi) (27) M

4. did murder Mohmed Tabal Ahmed, also known as Mohmed Betel Ahmed. D (Taxi) (21) M

5. did murder Akram Hamid Flaeh, also known as Akram Hmid Fluih. E (Taxi) (21) M

Staff Sergeant Frank D. Wuterich and Lance Corporal Stephen B. Tatum

6. did murder Zainab Unes Salim. V (House #2) (3)

Lance Corporal Justin L. Sharratt

7. did murder Jasib Aiad Ahmed. G (House 3 or 4) (27) M

8. did murder Kahtan Aiad Ahmed. I (House 3 or 4) (24) M

9. did murder Jamal Aiad Ahmed. F (House 3 or 4) (41) M

Lance Corporal Stephen B. Tatum

10. did murder Noor Salim Rasif. ? S (House #2) (14?)

11. did unlawfully kill Abdul Hameed Husin Ali. L (House #1) (Late 70's)

12. did unlawfully kill Guhid Abdalhamid Hasan. ? N (House #1) (30)

13. did unlawfully kill Asmaa Salman Rasif, also known as Asamaa Salman Rasif. J (House #1) (32)

14. did unlawfully kill Abdullah Waleed Abdul Hameed, also known as Abdullah Waleed Abdul. K (House #1) (child)

Staff Sergeant Frank D. Wuterich

15. did murder Huda Yasin Ahmed. W (House #2) (28)

16. did murder Aida Yasin Ahmed. Q (House #2) (35)

17. did murder Mohmed Yunis Salim. R (House #2) (child)

18. did murder Aisha Unes Salim. U (House #2) (2)

19. did murder Sebea Yunis Salim. T (House #2) (4)

20. did murder Marwan Aiad Ahmed. H (House #3 or 4) (28) M

I screwed up #11 on Tatums, changed #12 to N, changed #10 to S also on Tatums.

This leaves us with these allegations:

5 killed in Taxi - Wuterich & Dela Cruz
4 killed in House #1 - Tatum
7 killed in House #2 - Tatum gets 1, Wuterich gets 5, Tatum and Wuterich share 1
4 killed in House #3 (or 4) - Sharratt gets 3, Wuterich gets 1

Whose left?

House #2, (P) Younis Salim Raseef, 41. (From the Wash. Post article, Mendoza said he shot a man, 43-year-old Yunis Rasif, through the house's glass kitchen door, house #2)
So Mendoza is allegedely responsible for this 1 death which wasn't charged.

House #1 (M) Waleed Abdul Hameed Hassan, 35 and (O) Khameesa Toama Ali, 65. (From the Wash. Post article: Tatum and Salinas tossed grenades into the room: Waleed Hasan, 37, was killed. Khamisa Ali, 66, was shot dead in the hallway before four others were killed in a bedroom by grenades and rifle fire.)
So this makes it sound like Tatum and/or Salinas were responsible for these 2 deaths which weren't charged.

Clear as mud, yet?

73 posted on 03/17/2007 7:19:36 AM PDT by Girlene
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To: RedRover; pinkpanther111

By my estimation, their were only 23 Iraqi deaths that day. The USMC is saying 22 were murdered. 20 specific murder charges were named between the four Marines. If you look at Specification 13 on Wuterich's charges, they throw some crazy thing in about house #1, that he was responsible for 6 murders in that house even though 2 weren't specifically named. I'm not sure Wuterich killed anyone in house 1 since he wasn't in the lead of the team, Tatum and Salinas seem to have been in the lead.

The only one left out is the one in house 2 that Mendoza admitted killing.

So it seems at this point, the USMC is calling everyone a civilian, except Mendoza's kill. Go figure.

I was right, it does appear that Mendoza and Salinas get off with no charges even though it appears they were involved in the killings. Hmmm?

74 posted on 03/17/2007 7:51:49 AM PDT by Girlene
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To: txflake

Let's calm down a bit here. The presumption of innocence is a legal concept; I don't think many folks here would conclude that OJ Simpson is innocent.

75 posted on 03/17/2007 7:59:52 AM PDT by ReignOfError (`)
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To: Girlene; pinkpanther111
Taking a break from shoveling. At a glance, one thing is obvious.

The media invariably reports that the deaths in Haditha "included women and children". By even unproven accusations, and taking the NCIS report based on terrorist sympathizer statements as fact, the MSM should at least occasionally say that the deaths "included insurgents".

Will 60 Minutes?

76 posted on 03/17/2007 8:13:15 AM PDT by RedRover (Defend Our Marines!)
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To: ReignOfError
Sorry, but that's a false comparison.

With Simpson, evidence was presented in a courtroom. The jury found him not guilty. The argument is about the verdict, based on evidence and testimony.

The only information we have in the Haditha case is from the MSM. The media is using two sources: insurgent-sympathizers in Haditha and anonymous leakers. No evidence has been presented and tested in a legal proceeding. The accusations are, at this point, unproven.

Many of the Haditha Marines had multiple tours in Iraq, and many fought through Hell House in Fallujah. Seems to me that we should reserve judgement until we hear their side of the story.

77 posted on 03/17/2007 8:27:55 AM PDT by RedRover (Defend Our Marines!)
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To: RedRover

It looks like USMC and NCIS have designated everyone civilians (don't know about the one Mendoza said he killed). The initial military payout was for 15 civilians, no money for 8 insurgents. Four of those insurgents were from house 3 (or 4). I'm 99% sure on those 4. I'm assuming the other 4 insurgents must have come from the taxi? Not sure why there weren't 5 from the taxi. I'm really not sure who the military thought the other 4 insurgents were.

Long story, short, the USMC and NCIS is now saying the four Marines killed civilians only, no insurgents.

I've got a question, who detonated the bomb? I don't think this has ever been answered.

78 posted on 03/17/2007 8:40:24 AM PDT by Girlene
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To: Girlene
I noticed that as well. In Pantano's case, the list of charges went on for page after page. You would have thought he was Ted Bundy! It seems charges are sometimes added so that there's wiggle room in court if the case starts to go south.
79 posted on 03/17/2007 8:40:50 AM PDT by RedRover (Defend Our Marines!)
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To: Girlene; pinkpanther111
It's difficult to work with such sketchy information. But at least a couple things are coming clear.

Comparing apples to apples (the leaked NCIS report and the final charges), is it a reasonable inference that the gov't believes that at least two insurgents were killed in Haditha? (The two shot by Mendoza and Salinas?)

I'm not saying this means that two, and only two, insurgents were killed that day. What I'm getting at is that the media never reports a single insurgent death in Haditha. And that at least gives us something to work with. Especially if we want to blog in response to 60 Minutes claiming that 24 civilians were killed in Haditha.

What do you think?

80 posted on 03/17/2007 9:10:12 AM PDT by RedRover (Defend Our Marines!)
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