I love that report card.
Liz Dole and Richard Burr voted for us---surprised me, but thank you, Lord!
Could you or someone make report cards that give them A's?? I don't know how to do it (duh!)?
Just Piper, you are doing such an incredible job! Thank you so very much!
I wish we "Sistahs" had a way to do a private chat to work out a strategy, i. e.,---batch the work---media contact Congress Critters; Newspapers here in the U. S., and overseas (to embarras them internationally), and anyone/anything else I haven't had enough coffee yet to be able to figure out.
I think we need to also do a media blast on all the Governors of each and every State.
Maybe MommyDearest could try to get us a listing of the contact information for all the Governors, purrrrrty please:-)
I already have something that I have that may be of value in a media blitz.
Private mail me, and I will give you, and any of the other "Sistahs" this same information, which you may, or may not want to use in a media blitz.
Sure my son can, just put a list of names you'd like
I thought of A for either Amazing or Awesome
BTW I got this in email today so the CamPAIN is spreading, I've also emailed it to Mlakin and ABI and several of the Coyote's, cannot wait to see their faces when their aides tell them LOL
A Coalition Helper's 17 year old son made these Senatorial Report cards.
Hundreds of us will be mailing these to the offending