Does the GOP establishment honestly believe that by giving 30 million Hispanics (and their tens of millions of relatives) amenesty they have a chance in hell of securing even a small fraction of their vote? This amnesty would be an electoral disaster beyond their worst nightmares.
The establishment is represented by the likes of Fred Barnes and his ilk, who live mostly in the Northeast Corridor, plus a good sized contingent that live in California and Texas exurbs/gated communities that are far removed from reality. I am sick of the sellout of America for 30 peices of silver.
they are between a rock and a hard place (not that I favor the amnesty mind you).
while its true that alot of white and african american Democrats do not favor amnesty, or the kinds of new immigrant numbers this bill would allow in - are those blocks willing to change their votes and go republican over this issue?
The Dems are clearly betting that their current base, will not switch parties over amnesty and new mass immigration.
Which side is right?
>>>"Does the GOP establishment honestly believe that by giving 30 million Hispanics (and their tens of millions of relatives) amenesty they have a chance in hell of securing even a small fraction of their vote? This amnesty would be an electoral disaster beyond their worst nightmares."
As I recall the contentious numbers, post-election polling after Bush's second election showed about 40 percent of Hispanics voted for Bush.
The highest were Cubans in Florida at around 51 percent (I faintly recall them being over 50 percent but I could be wrong), then Texas Hispanics around 45 % (less than 50 percent but not too shabby), then northeastern Hispanics (Puerto Rico?), and finally Californian/West Coast Hispanics around 35 percent. Bush only did well with Cubans. Texas Hispanics didn't go against him very much. Anyone with better recall of the statistics, please join in.
But the bulk of the Hispanics (and it's resulting average) showed that wooing Hispanics was a losing proposition because: 1) he'll never get over 50 percent and 2) by pandering to Hispanics, he loses his HUGE non-Hispanic voters. What's interesting with the Hispanic voters is the high percentage that are for controlling illegal immigration (I think they are worried for their wage rates.)
These immigration bills demonstrate bad "strategery." There is still time (but barely) to recover (shut down the border tight as a drum, clamp down on employers, etc.). But it is doubtful that the current cast of characters will admit their errors. They will blunder on with their ship of state staring directly into the beams of the lighthouse.
Does the GOP establishment honestly believe that by giving 30 million Hispanics (and their tens of millions of relatives) amenesty they have a chance in hell of securing even a small fraction of their vote?
They better wise up and get them out of here while they are still in power. The Mexicans will not vote Republican.