I always chuckle when someone like Boortz or Hannity complain about "No new refineries in 30 years" because it is an indicator that they do not know what they are talking about. Your link proves that.
If you don't mind, and for those who don't know, permit me elaborate on the numbers a bit:
1985 --- 15,671 KBPD refining capacity.
2004 --- 16,974 KBPD
Net increase 1,303 thousand Barrels per day.
Some definitions:
Small refinery -- 75 to 125,000 BPD
Med. refinery -- 126 to 225,000 BPD
LARGE refinery -- 225,000 and up BPD
Those are arbitrary numbers and others could easily dispute them and say I am too conservative on those estimates. But no one would argue that 200,000 BPD is a major refinery (i.e I believe that BP Arco Carson, calif., Valero Benicia, Calif. are in the 200-250 range).
The increase in the years mentioned is the equivalent of building 6 major refineries!!
Yes, Hannity gets annoying with that repeated statement that "no new refineries have been built in 30 years", while he fails to mention the expansion of existing refineries. As long as there is no collusion between refiners and no interference in expansion and new construction projects, the free market system will provide enough refining capacity for the US within another 5-8 years.