Another poster with interesting posting history. These supposed NSA "abuses" are bringing you guys out of the wood work.
"Another poster with interesting posting history. These supposed NSA "abuses" are bringing you guys out of the wood work."
ahhh...I see. If I don't support Stalinesque government, merely because our guys are engineering it, then I'm of questionable character. Let's see now...which is closer to being a good communist...parroting blindly whatever the Party line is, or standing up for Conservative American values and rights? Who did you take your loyalty oathe to today?
What happens, colorcountry, when the other side does the same stuff our adminstration is doing to American citizens now? You think the next democratic administration's motives are gonna be anywhere near as noble as ours? You think the democrats won't use this administration as an excuse for what they do? You think it won't be easier for democrats to take the NEXT step, to take away OUR rights?
You and I aren't gonna agree on this, obviously, but we'll be voting for the same guy in 08. So back off the innuendo.
Check out my history. I bet it's boring as can be.
Sp what if theyhave an "interesting" history. Is this about choosing up sides or about trying to figure out how to run a Constitutional and Free Republic. Even if both sides devastate each other with fabulously destructive rejoiners and innuendi, (you leave my end out of this!) we'll still have the problem of how much snooping the gummint ought to be allowed to do in war time. People are still irritated with Lincoln, much less FDR, over this. Got an answer? I sure don't.