Hmmmm. I wonder how Gilchrist feels about the Fair Tax?
"The final rally is scheduled for 11 a.m. today at the park on the Senate side of the Capitol. "
It's not on the C-SPAN schedule but I received the following in their daily email:
* Minute Man Rally (11am) - LIVE
Jim Gilchrist - Talking about the corruption and dereliction of duty by present politicians, and he mentioned that the real racists are those people assembled behind the Minutemen. He told them to "Go to hell." (Loved it). He said the Minutement will survive despite the rascist scum! (Hee hee).
When did it become 30 million illegal immigrants? Last I heard it was 8-12 million.
"No one is illegal, Minutemen are evil."
Well, isn't that wonderful. They come here illegally invading our sovereignty, and they call good American citizens, grouped in the tradition that formed this great Nation, evil.
MM need to begin a refrain of "Remember the Alamo!"
That would incite a few responses.
It was then that I stepped back and took stock, realizing just how little power to institute change we individual Americans have these days, as a result of the unprecedented power of the mass media (despite the dent in their omnipotence that the internet has provided), technological progress, laws that have been passed (CFR chief among them) whose major focus is to silence the voice of the individual in the political process, the incredible power of special interest groups, and the general unconstitutional over-reaching power that the state now has in all of our lives and liberties.
It was then that I also recalled, and reflected upon, the words of the serenity prayer:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next
. and then decided to attempt to re-shift my focus from frustration and anger with those in power who are virtually beyond arms length from me, and, instead, speak and work, for the most part, within my own circle of family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers and, where possible, beyond that, through the power of the written word.
As a result, I have spent the past approximately eight years sleeping better and knowing a renewed peace of mind.
Until now.
In some very disturbing ways, the state of our republic is even worse off than it was back in the late nineties. Back then, despite the overt anti-liberty, anti-sovereignty crimes and treasons committed or condoned by so many in power in Washington, there was always a major group of republican/independent leaders and lawmakers who were decrying the duplicity and decay. They were voicing outrage and concern, and seeking the eventual power to administer an antidote to negate the toxic effects of the Clinton administrations crimes. Whether consciously or not, we conservatives clung to the hope that they would someday and sooner rather than later be successful.
In 2000 the clouds appeared to disperse, and the sun shone on our republic once again.
Fast forward six years and we conservatives are once again outraged by the behaviors of our leadership in Washington. Yet this time (at least in name only) that leadership is our own. So to whom, now, do we turn for the hope that springs from knowing that there are large numbers of people of like mind and purpose in our national government who are just as outraged as we?
Our southern border is being left open and vulnerable, and foreigners are streaming into our country as a result arrogantly demanding rights without responsibilities, staking out illegitimate claims to our homeland, looking at two-plus centuries of success and prosperity, built on the blood and sweat of those who came here with a respect for our laws and a willingness to shed their blood, and work from dawn to dusk and the invaders are scheming to steal those hard-won successes and rewards, and to bring this republic to her knees in the process.
And our leadership in Washington remains relatively oblivious. Rather than look the evil in the eye, they are consumed with posturing, preening, preparing for the next election, spending what they dont have, exhorting us to dig deeper into our pockets for the greater good, and daily authoring and promoting their latest innovative blueprints for cradle-to-grave socialism.
I used to believe that the fact that our leadership in Washington would turn a blind eye to such a monumental threat to our liberty and sovereignty as the malignancy known as illegal immigration was the result of either incompetence or naiveté.
What has me (and I suspect many of you, occasionally or regularly) once again losing sleep over the state of our republic is the hideous realization that incompetence and naiveté no longer provide a rational explanation for our leaderships inaction even enabling of the border travesty.
It appears that the allegiance of much of American leadership at the highest levels rests in something other than the sovereignty of our republic and the safety of her people. Whether that alternative allegiance lies in a belief that the importance of illegals to the (mirage) robust American economy supersedes any threat to our sovereignty that their criminality poses . or a belief that a world without borders is preferable to one in which each nations sovereignty is sacrosanct is unclear.
But what is becoming abundantly clear is that Americas sovereignty is now under relentless attack from both within and without her borders. Thanks to politicians (both republican and democrat) without character or conscience, obsessively focused on cheap labor and more votes (read: the amassing of personal and ideological power), or openly advocating a globalist world order and thanks, also, to media that hold in disdain the America that once was, working hand-in-hand with racist pressure groups our republic sits on the brink of a terrible abyss from which, for the first time in our history, only the American citizen can pull her back.
God bless (and we must support) the Minutemen. These modern American patriots, and the potential influence they may have on the rest of the citizenry, embody the hope of our republic our leadership having betrayed us by purposefully abdicating that role.
~ joanie
Just a little heads up for all you WH lurkers... :-)
That means provisions to strengthen border security, coupled with a guest worker program that while the president doesn't say so in public provides a chance at citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants.
"the president doesn't say so in public..."
Yea, imagine that. Kinda wants to just "breeze over that."
Here is a little something to "skim over" as well. Might even tack it in one of those morning briefings. Emphasis added, with extreme prejudice.
Seems to me that the Founding Fathers were pretty clever in putting that instruction in The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united* States of America (Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776). By placing that instruction there it is not subject to amendments or change. It is there forever.
I posted this thread merely as a heads up. I had no idea it would be used to provide updates to the rally. I've enjoyed reading the posts as to what's happening since I can't be there (little thing called work). Thanks!