To: ~Kim4VRWC's~; ~Vor~; 1Mike; 1stMarylandRegiment; 3catsanadog; A CA Guy; A Citizen Reporter; ...
First of many FIREES bumps, I hope!
2 posted on
04/21/2006 12:02:31 PM PDT by
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To: Howlin
11 posted on
04/21/2006 12:03:58 PM PDT by
(Harry Reid is a Liar;Ted Kennedy is a BIG FAT Liar: edited by tiredoflaundry)
To: Howlin
23 posted on
04/21/2006 12:05:42 PM PDT by
To: Howlin
Thanks for the ping, Howlin. This is good news.
26 posted on
04/21/2006 12:05:53 PM PDT by
(As long as I have you, though there be rain and darkness too, I'll not complain, I'll see it through)
To: Howlin
Why, pray tell, might we let the mere loss of a job suffice as punishment for treason? Methinks the punishment fitteth not the crime.
29 posted on
04/21/2006 12:06:35 PM PDT by
The Spirit Of Allegiance
(SAVE THE BRAINFOREST! Boycott the RED Dead Tree Media & NUKE the DNC Class Action Temper Tantrum!)
To: Howlin
31 posted on
04/21/2006 12:06:52 PM PDT by
To: Howlin
got this from the dump
Andrea Mitchell MSNBC 12:00 p.m.
Officer accused of being source for Pulitzer prize-winning article (Dana Priest's article)
CIA OFFICER Acknowledges leaking classified information
Possible criminal charges
after failing polygraph test
No attempt to appeal this decision
38 posted on
04/21/2006 12:10:27 PM PDT by
To: Howlin
Thanks for the ping....did they name what media the leak went the NYTimes???
39 posted on
04/21/2006 12:10:55 PM PDT by
To: Howlin
90 posted on
04/21/2006 12:27:46 PM PDT by
("You said would I apologize for that?" Bush told him. "The answer is absolutely not.")
To: Howlin
Yep, where there is one rat there's usually a lot more.. The MSM has been spoon fed, especially NYSlimes and Wapo. Hope they get em all!
119 posted on
04/21/2006 12:33:35 PM PDT by
(God Bless America and All who protect and preserve this Great Nation.)
To: Howlin
Excellent!! GET these traitors!
180 posted on
04/21/2006 12:51:41 PM PDT by
(PROUD Mom of an Iraqi LIBERATION Vet! THANKS, son!!.)
To: Howlin
Now we know why the press pushed the "Bush leaked" story. Confirms what Freepers said a couple of weeks ago. Next story will be the attempt at a moral equivalent.
182 posted on
04/21/2006 12:52:27 PM PDT by
gov_bean_ counter
(Self appointed RNC Press Secretary for Smarmy Sound Bites.)
To: Howlin
One official called this a "damaging leak" that deals with operational information and said the fired officer "knowingly and willfully" leaked the information to the media and "was caught."
187 posted on
04/21/2006 12:53:53 PM PDT by
To: Howlin
To: Howlin
Thanks for the good news ping! Open the floodgates, fire every last leaker!
254 posted on
04/21/2006 1:30:23 PM PDT by
(Anonymous sources often means "the voices in my head told me.")
To: Howlin
"First of many FIREES bumps, I hope!"
Me too! . . . Thanks for the ping!
269 posted on
04/21/2006 1:45:13 PM PDT by
("I stand with the GREAT DECIDER!")
To: Howlin
Just got home- this is great! Can't wait to see the fallout.
298 posted on
04/21/2006 2:33:20 PM PDT by
SE Mom
(God Bless those who serve..)
To: Howlin
Oh, Happy Friday. Good news.
318 posted on
04/21/2006 2:51:42 PM PDT by
(Spring is in the air.)
To: Howlin
So, are they going to rip the Pulitzer Price off of the mantle of this ditz that got it for this story? Having a brain burp, can't remember her name, but clearly she got the information from this jerk. (Dana Priest?)
And I want to see the CIA idjit serve a long time in jail and dished out a heavy fine for his leaking of classified information!!! No more Sandy Burglar rap on the knuckles, I hope.
333 posted on
04/21/2006 3:03:27 PM PDT by
(What happened to "Able Danger" and any testimony by Col Schaffer?)
To: Howlin
345 posted on
04/21/2006 3:09:36 PM PDT by
To: Howlin
"CIA Director Porter Goss has pressed for aggressive investigations. In his latest appearance before Congress, Goss condemned the unauthorized disclosure of information.
"The damage has been very severe to our capabilities to carry out our mission," Goss said in February, adding that a federal grand jury should be impaneled to determine "who is leaking this information.""
Quite simply, Goss is the man. The real deal. A good example of why we have to win in 2008. Hillary will have this guy fired within 15 minutes of taking the oath of office.
356 posted on
04/21/2006 3:14:21 PM PDT by
(Hillary stole 1000+ secret FBI files on DC movers & shakers, Hillary's Secret War, Poe, p. xiv)
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