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The list of the first Americans killed in battle...April 19, 1775 at Lexington:

1. *Mr. Robert Munroe
2. *Mr. Jonas Parker
3. *Mr. Samuel Hadley
4. *Mr. Jonathan Harrington
5. *Mr. Caleb Harrington
6. *Mr. Isaac Muzzy
7. *Mr. John Brown
8. Mr. John Raymond
9. Mr. Nathaniel Wyman
10. Mr. Jedidiah Munroe

1. Mr. John Robbins
2. Mr. John Tidd
3. Mr. Solomon Pierce
4. Mr. Thomas Winship
5. Mr. Nathan Farmer
6. Mr. Joseph Comee
7. Mr. Ebenezer Monroe
8. Mr. Francis Brown
9. Prince Easterbrooks

Those distinguished with this mark [*] were killed by the first fire of the enemy.

1 posted on 04/19/2006 6:51:35 AM PDT by Irontank
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To: Irontank

There was a Comee at Lexington?........

2 posted on 04/19/2006 6:56:52 AM PDT by Red Badger (In warfare there are no constant conditions. --- The Art of War by SunTzu)
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To: Irontank

Great post. This day should be a National holiday!

3 posted on 04/19/2006 6:57:42 AM PDT by pissant
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To: Irontank

Thank you for an excellent post and a reminder. I emailed parts to several friends and family.

5 posted on 04/19/2006 7:02:36 AM PDT by Neoliberalnot
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To: Irontank

Thanks for the post.

I grew up around Lexington and Concord and take it for granted that EVERY American knows this. It's a nice reminder.

7 posted on 04/19/2006 7:04:26 AM PDT by Hoodlum91 (Tour guide goddess)
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To: Irontank
Why does it seem like everything happens on April 19?

April 19th is just around the corner. Are you ready? The nineteenth day of April has very special meanings for all Americans, and all Jews. April 19th is a crossroads in history where suffering and sacrifice, patriotism and tyranny, liberty and slavery, religious persecution and bigotry all intersect, again, and again. For citizens of Massachusetts, April 19th marks Patriot's Day and for all Americans, the date of the "Shot heard 'round the world", when colonial militias defied orders to surrender their guns and routed King George's redcoats. For Jews, April 19th is the day Nazi storm troops surrounded the Warsaw Ghetto, sparking a revolt led by a few young Jews who refused to be enslaved or incinerated. For modern American patriots, April 19th marks the day 76 members of a religious minority died in an assault by federal paramilitary forces, aided and advised by regular military units. For the people of Oklahoma City, April 19th marks the day that 168 people died in an explosion at the Murrah Federal Building.

April 19, 1775 - The shot heard 'round the world: The Battles at Lexington Green and Concord Bridge. Warned by Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, the Massachusetts militia mobilized to block a larger, better trained British force coming to seize militia weapons at Concord. At Lexington, Major John Pitcairn leading a detachment of Royal Marines told the colonists there: "Disperse, you rebels! Damn you, through down your arms, and disperse!" Nobody knows who fired the first shot at Lexington Green, but the colonial militia refused confiscation of their guns and the British drove them back in the initial encounter. After regrouping the colonial militia did better, turning back the British at Concord Bridge and forcing a disorderly British flight back to Boston. The road back became a deadly gauntlet as farmers from "every Middlesex village and farm" sniped from behind stone walls, trees, barns, houses, all the way back to Charlestown peninsula. By nightfall the British survivors were safe under the protection of the Royal Navy and British army at Boston, having lost 273 men that day, while the Americans lost 95. The following year, the colonial Americans declared independence, a date now marked as July 4th, a national holiday. Months after participating in the actions at Lexington and Concord, a former slave, a black African named Salem Prince was introduced to General George Washington as the sharpshooter who killed Major Pitcairn at Bunker Hill (June 1775). April 19th is celebrated as a holiday only in Massachusetts.

April 19, 1943 - The Warsaw Ghetto Revolt - When Nazi SS units tried to remove the remaining occupants of the Ghetto for extermination and slave labor, Jewish resistance to tyranny, slavery and religious persecution was reborn and set the spark that created the modern state of Israel. A reading of the events surrounding the Warsaw Ghetto Revolt in 1943 comes from a Jewish synagogue: "Congregation: We remember the Warsaw ghetto on the dawn of the first day of Passover, April 19, 1943. The Nazis were coming to complete the deportation of the remaining Jews to the death camps. A shot rang out on Nalevki Street, signaling the beginning of the revolt. A few hundred Jews with a few guns and hand grenades had decided to resist the tremendous power of the German army and the Gestapo. The courageous men and women of the Jewish Fighting Organization held out for forty-two days." From the Warsaw Ghetto on April 23, 1943 Mordecai Anielewicz observed "The Germans ran twice from the Ghetto....The dream of my life has risen to become a fact....Jewish armed resistance and revenge are facts. I have been witness to the magnificent, heroic fighting of Jewish men of battle." A majority voting bloc of American Jews now presents a puzzling moral and political paradox, they support victim disarmament by registration of guns and gun owners. The unregistered guns used by the Warsaw Jews did not have trigger locks.

April 19, 1993 - Massacre of Branch Davidian religious minority at Waco, Texas. Clinton appointee Attorney General Janet Reno accepted "responsibility" for the disaster, but the principle of accountability was ignored. On February 28, federal paramilitary forces laid siege to the Branch Davidian's home and 6 Davidians and 4 ATF agents died in the initial raid. The final assault on April resulted in the deaths of 76 Branch Davidians, including two unborn children. Steven Barry, a U.S. Army Special Forces soldier and others protested military involvement, but involvement of the elite Delta Force was covered up along with many other blunders by the Clinton Administration. Sergeant First Class Barry continued his protest by founding the Special Forces Underground and publishing a political warfare journal called The RESISTER and was eventually hounded into retirement. Nine Branch Davidians remain imprisoned. Nobody from the Clinton White House, Reno's Department of Justice, the FBI, the BATF or the Department of Defense has been tried, convicted or jailed. News services carried stories of a few federal demotions and promotions of those involved.

April 19, 1995 - Oklahoma City - Murrah Federal Building bombed. Timothy McVeigh was among many Americans expressing frustration at the lack of accountability for the Waco Incident. But McVeigh was convicted of bombing the federal building and sentenced to death. But could the motive for the bombing have been removed if Clinton, Reno, the FBI, the BATF and military had been truly held accountable "with justice for all"? A newspaper clipping found in Timothy McVeigh's car was titled "Waco Shootout Evokes Memory of Warsaw '43'", comparing the Branch Davidian tragedy with the Nazi assault on the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943, was a letter to the editor published in The Wall Street Journal. Federal prosecutors claimed the Waco siege so angered McVeigh that he masterminded and carried out the bombing in Oklahoma City.

April 19, 2000 - Miami - the Elian Gonzalez standoff - As the case of 6-year-old Cuban refugee Elian Gonzalez hurtles to a confrontation between Janet Reno and the boy's Miami relatives, news reports speculate that Reno will not send U.S. Marshals to remove Elian tomorrow (April 19). The dark legacy of the Waco Incident hangs heavily over the Clinton Administration and Janet Reno's Department of Justice. Members of the Cuban-American community in Miami have vowed to resist any attempt to physically remove Elian from his Miami relatives. Marshals ready if needed for Elian (UPI April 17, 2000)

8 posted on 04/19/2006 7:06:38 AM PDT by DuncanWaring (The Lord uses the good ones; the bad ones use the Lord.)
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To: Irontank

To be distinguished from April 20th, which is Hitler's birthday.

9 posted on 04/19/2006 7:07:47 AM PDT by GeorgefromGeorgia
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To: Irontank

Interesting choice for the second word in the article.

11 posted on 04/19/2006 7:14:03 AM PDT by T. P. Pole
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To: Irontank

Listen my children and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.

He said to his friend, "If the British march
By land or sea from the town to-night,
Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch
Of the North Church tower as a signal light,
One if by land, and two if by sea;
And I on the opposite shore will be,
Ready to ride and spread the alarm
Through every Middlesex village and farm,
For the country folk to be up and to arm."

Then he said "Good-night!" and with muffled oar
Silently rowed to the Charlestown shore,
Just as the moon rose over the bay,
Where swinging wide at her moorings lay
The Somerset, British man-of-war;
A phantom ship, with each mast and spar
Across the moon like a prison bar,
And a huge black hulk, that was magnified
By its own reflection in the tide.

Meanwhile, his friend through alley and street
Wanders and watches, with eager ears,
Till in the silence around him he hears
The muster of men at the barrack door,
The sound of arms, and the tramp of feet,
And the measured tread of the grenadiers,
Marching down to their boats on the shore.

Then he climbed the tower of the Old North Church,
By the wooden stairs, with stealthy tread,
To the belfry chamber overhead,
And startled the pigeons from their perch
On the sombre rafters, that round him made
Masses and moving shapes of shade,--
By the trembling ladder, steep and tall,
To the highest window in the wall,
Where he paused to listen and look down
A moment on the roofs of the town
And the moonlight flowing over all.

Beneath, in the churchyard, lay the dead,
In their night encampment on the hill,
Wrapped in silence so deep and still
That he could hear, like a sentinel's tread,
The watchful night-wind, as it went
Creeping along from tent to tent,
And seeming to whisper, "All is well!"
A moment only he feels the spell
Of the place and the hour, and the secret dread
Of the lonely belfry and the dead;
For suddenly all his thoughts are bent
On a shadowy something far away,
Where the river widens to meet the bay,
A line of black that bends and floats
On the rising tide like a bridge of boats.

Meanwhile, impatient to mount and ride,
Booted and spurred, with a heavy stride
On the opposite shore walked Paul Revere.
Now he patted his horse's side,
Now he gazed at the landscape far and near,
Then, impetuous, stamped the earth,
And turned and tightened his saddle girth;
But mostly he watched with eager search
The belfry tower of the Old North Church,
As it rose above the graves on the hill,
Lonely and spectral and sombre and still.
And lo! as he looks, on the belfry's height
A glimmer, and then a gleam of light!
He springs to the saddle, the bridle he turns,
But lingers and gazes, till full on his sight
A second lamp in the belfry burns.

A hurry of hoofs in a village street,
A shape in the moonlight, a bulk in the dark,
And beneath, from the pebbles, in passing, a spark
Struck out by a steed flying fearless and fleet;
That was all! And yet, through the gloom and the light,
The fate of a nation was riding that night;
And the spark struck out by that steed, in his flight,
Kindled the land into flame with its heat.
He has left the village and mounted the steep,
And beneath him, tranquil and broad and deep,
Is the Mystic, meeting the ocean tides;
And under the alders that skirt its edge,
Now soft on the sand, now loud on the ledge,
Is heard the tramp of his steed as he rides.

It was twelve by the village clock
When he crossed the bridge into Medford town.
He heard the crowing of the cock,
And the barking of the farmer's dog,
And felt the damp of the river fog,
That rises after the sun goes down.

It was one by the village clock,
When he galloped into Lexington.
He saw the gilded weathercock
Swim in the moonlight as he passed,
And the meeting-house windows, black and bare,
Gaze at him with a spectral glare,
As if they already stood aghast
At the bloody work they would look upon.

It was two by the village clock,
When he came to the bridge in Concord town.
He heard the bleating of the flock,
And the twitter of birds among the trees,
And felt the breath of the morning breeze
Blowing over the meadow brown.
And one was safe and asleep in his bed
Who at the bridge would be first to fall,
Who that day would be lying dead,
Pierced by a British musket ball.

You know the rest. In the books you have read
How the British Regulars fired and fled,
How the farmers gave them ball for ball,
From behind each fence and farmyard wall,
Chasing the redcoats down the lane,
Then crossing the fields to emerge again
Under the trees at the turn of the road,
And only pausing to fire and load.

So through the night rode Paul Revere;
And so through the night went his cry of alarm
To every Middlesex village and farm,
A cry of defiance, and not of fear,
A voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,
And a word that shall echo for evermore!
For, borne on the night-wind of the Past,
Through all our history, to the last,
In the hour of darkness and peril and need,
The people will waken and listen to hear
The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed,
And the midnight message of Paul Revere.

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1860

12 posted on 04/19/2006 7:23:12 AM PDT by Jack Hammer
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To: Irontank

Thanks for posting!

13 posted on 04/19/2006 7:23:57 AM PDT by hedgetrimmer ("I'm a millionaire thanks to the WTO and "free trade" system--Hu Jintao top 10 worst dictators)
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To: Pharmboy


14 posted on 04/19/2006 7:25:35 AM PDT by hedgetrimmer ("I'm a millionaire thanks to the WTO and "free trade" system--Hu Jintao top 10 worst dictators)
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To: Irontank

'In so doing, they propelled from theory into vivid reality a revolutionary idea: the supremacy of the individual over government.'

I could've sworn that actually happened a bit earlier in 1215 and was called the Magna Carta.

15 posted on 04/19/2006 7:34:01 AM PDT by Vectorian
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To: Irontank

April 19th has long been known as Patriots' Day. New Englanders thought that President Bush made a very poor choice when he gave that name (or one readily confused with it) to another day. April 19th should be recognized nationally, not just limited to New England.

16 posted on 04/19/2006 7:39:03 AM PDT by RonF
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To: Irontank

the list forgets to include rodney king getting his award, pope benedict XVI was elected and we went off the gold standard.

18 posted on 04/19/2006 8:03:35 AM PDT by absolootezer0 ("My God, why have you forsaken us.. no wait, its the liberals that have forsaken you... my bad")
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To: Irontank

April 19th

the day marksmanship met tyranny, and liberty was born.

How many Riflemen do we have on Free Republic?

19 posted on 04/19/2006 8:07:46 AM PDT by VRing (Nine out the ten voices in my head told me to stay home and clean my rifle today.)
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To: Irontank
You might be interested in this similar thread: SPIRIT OF '75: REMEMBER LEXINGTON AND CONCORD.
22 posted on 04/19/2006 8:17:34 AM PDT by Hemingway's Ghost (Spirit of '75)
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To: Irontank
An alternately-worded narrative:

BOSTON, - Guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed on April 19th by elements of a para-military extremist faction. Military and law enforcement sources estimated that 72 were killed and more than 20 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw.

Speaking after the clash, Massachusetts Governor Thomas Gage declared that the extremist faction, which was made up of local citizens, has links to the radical right-wing tax protest movement. Gage blamed the extremists for recent incidents of vandalism directed against internal revenue offices.

The governor, who described the group's organizers as "criminals," issued an executive order authorizing the summary arrest of any individual who has interfered with the government's efforts to secure law and order.

The military raid on the extremist arsenal followed wide-spread refusal by the local citizenry to turn over recently outlawed assault weapons. Gage issued a ban on military-style assault weapons and ammunition earlier in the week. This decision followed a meeting in early April between government and military leaders at which the governor authorized the forcible confiscation of illegal arms. One government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, pointed out that "none of these people would have been killed had the extremists obeyed the law and turned their weapons over voluntarily."

"Government troops initially succeeded in confiscating a large supply of outlawed weapons and ammunition. However, troops attempting to seize arms and ammunition in Lexington met with resistance from heavily-armed extremists who had been tipped off regarding the government's plans.

During a tense standoff in Lexington's town park, National Guard Colonel Francis Smith, commander of the government operation, ordered the armed group to surrender and return to their homes. The impasse was broken by a single shot, which was reportedly fired by one of the right-wing extremists. Eight civilians were killed in the ensuing exchange.

Ironically, the local citizenry blamed government forces rather than the extremists for the civilian deaths. Before order could be restored, armed citizens from surrounding areas had descended upon the guard units. Colonel Smith, finding his forces overmatched by the armed mob, ordered a retreat.

Governor Gage has called upon citizens to support the state/national joint task force in its effort to restore law and order. The governor has also demanded the surrender of those responsible for planning and leading the attack against the government troops.

Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, and John Hancock, who have been identified as "ringleaders" of the extremist faction, remain at large.

23 posted on 04/19/2006 8:48:18 AM PDT by DuncanWaring (The Lord uses the good ones; the bad ones use the Lord.)
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To: Irontank

Time for some Schoolhouse Rock...

Shot Heard 'Round the World

Music & Lyrics: Bob Dorough
Performed by: Bob Dorough
Animation: Kim & Gifford Productions

"The British are coming! The British are coming!"

Now, the ride of Paul Revere
Set the nation on its ear,
And the shot at Lexington heard 'round the world,
When the British fired in the early dawn
The War of Independence had begun,
The die was cast, the rebel flag unfurled.

And on to Concord marched the foe
To seize the arsenal there you know,
Waking folks searching all around
Till our militia stopped them in their tracks,
At the old North Bridge we turned them back
And chased those Redcoats back to Boston town.

And the shot heard 'round the world
Was the start of the Revolution.
The Minute Men were ready, on the move.
Take your powder, and take your gun.
Report to General Washington.
Hurry men, there's not an hour to lose!

Now, at famous Bunker Hill,
Even though we lost, it was quite a thrill,
The rebel Colonel Prescott proved he was wise;
Outnumbered and low on ammunition
As the British stormed his position
He said, "Hold your fire till you see the whites of their eyes!"

Though the next few years were rough,
General Washington's men proved they were tough,
Those hungry, ragged boys would not be beat.
One night they crossed the Delaware,
Surprised the Hessians in their lair,
And at Valley Forge they just bundled up their feet!

And the shot heard 'round the world
Was the start of the Revolution.
The Minute Men were ready, on the move.
Take your blanket, and take your son.
Report to General Washington.
We've got our rights and now it's time to prove.

Well, they showed such determination
That they won the admiration
Of countries across the sea like France and Spain,
Who loaned the colonies ships and guns
And put the British on the run
And the Continental Army on its feet again.

And though they lost some battles too,
The Americans swore they'd see it through,
Their raiding parties kept up, hit and run.
At Yorktown the British could not retreat,
Bottled up by Washington and the French Fleet,
Cornwallis surrendered and finally we had won!

The winner!


From the shot heard 'round the world
To the end of the Revolution
The continental rabble took the day
And the father of our country
Beat the British there at Yorktown
And brought freedom to you and me and the U.S.A.!

God bless America, Let Freedom Ring!

25 posted on 04/19/2006 9:06:44 AM PDT by rock_lobsta
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To: Irontank

I was just reading Gunny LaBaume's piece on 3/19 earlier this morning....

Jimmy T. LaBaume, PhD, ChFC is a full professor teaching economics and statistics in the School of Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, Sul Ross State University, Alpine, TX. He wishes to make it abundantly clear that he does not speak for Sul Ross State University and Sul Ross State University does not think for him.

Dr. LaBaume has lived in Mexico and spent extended periods of time in South and Central America as a researcher, consultant and educator.

"Gunny" LaBaume is a decorated veteran of the Vietnam War and Desert Storm. His Marine Corps career spanned some 35 years intermittently from 1962 until 1997 when he refused to re-enlist with less than 2 years to go to a good retirement. In his own words, he "simply got tired of being guilty of treason."

He is also currently the publisher and managing editor of, a daily e-source of news not seen or head anywhere on the mainstream media. He can be reached at
The significance of today Inbox
More options 11:44 am (23 minutes ago)
I am often asked by new subscribers why I always follow my signature
with the numbers 419. Well, for those that don't know as well as those
who do but need to be reminded, it is because of the significance of
today, April 19.

419 stands for April 19th—a date upon which occurred several important
events associated with the fight against tyranny. The first was
the "shot heard 'round the world" at Concord Bridge in 1775. The final
assault on the Jewish Warsaw ghetto (1943) and the coup d'etat in Laos
(1964) occurred on this day. More recently April 19, 1993 was the date
when the final assault on and murder of the Branch Dividians in Waco,
Texas occurred. It was also the date in 1995 of the bombing of the
Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

thegunny, 419
Think secession! News you will not get from anywhere on the
mainstream media.

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26 posted on 04/19/2006 9:22:21 AM PDT by gunnyg
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To: Irontank
As the British soldiers moved to surround them, several of the colonials fired, only to be devastated by a return barrage from the British light infantry.

Oh really? The colonials fired first??

Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789

THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1775


The depositions relative to the commencement of hostilities, are as follows:

No. 1.Lexington, April 25, 1775.

We, Solomon Brown, Jonathan Loring, and Elijah Sanderson, all of lawful Age, and of Lexington, in the County of Middlesex, and Collony of the Massachusett Bay, in New England, do testifie and declare, that on the evening of the Eighteenth of April, Instant, being on the Road between Concord and Lexington, and all of us mounted on Horses, we were, about ten of the Clock, suddenly surprized by nine Persons, whom we took to be Regular Officers, who Rode up to us, mounted and armed, each having a Pistol in His Hand, and after Putting Pistols to our Breasts, and seizing the Bridles of our Horses, they swore, that if we stirred another step, we should be all Dead Men, upon which we surrendered our selves. They Detained us until Two o'Clock the next morning, in which time they searched and greatly abused us; having first enquired about the Magazine at Concord, whether any Guards were posted there, and whether the bridges were up, and said four or five Regiments of Regulars would be in Possession of the stores soon; they then brought us back to Lexington, eat the Horses Bridles and Girts, turned them Loose, and then Left us.

Solomon Brown,
Jonathan Loring,
Elijah Sanderson.

Middlesex, ff. April 25, 1775.

Jonn Loring, Solomon Brown, and Elijah Sanderson, being duly cautioned to Testify the whole Truth, made solemn Oath to the Truth of the above Deposition by them subscribed.


Just. Pacis.

William Reed

Josiah Johnson

William Stickney

Lexington, April 25, 1775.

I, Elijah Saunderson, above named, do further testifie and declare, that I was on Lexington Common, the Morning of the Nineteenth of April, aforesaid, having been dismissed by the Officers abovementioned, and saw a Large Body of Regular Troops advancing toward Lexington Company, many of whom were then dispersing. I heard one of the Regulars, whom I took to be an officer, say, "Damn them, we will have them," and immediately the Regulars shouted aloud, Run and fired upon the Lexington Company, which did not fire a Gun before the Regulars Discharged on them; Eight of the Lexington Company were killed while they were dispersing, and at a Considerable Distance from each other, and Many wounded, and altho' a spectator, I narrowly Escaped with my Life.

Elijah Saunderson.

Middlesex, ff. April 25, 1775.

Elijah Saunderson, above named, being Duly Cautioned to Testify the whole Truth, made Solemn Oath to the Truth of the above Deposition by him subscribed.


William Reed

Josiah Johnson

William Stickney

Just. Pacis.

No. 2.Lexington, April 23, 1775.

I, Thomas Rice Willard, of lawful age, do Testify and Declare, that being in the House of Daniel Harrington,2 of said Lexington, on the Nineteenth Instant, in the morning, about half an hour before sunrise, [I] looked out at the window of said house, and saw (as I suppose) about four hundred Regulars in one Body, coming up the road, and marched toward the north part of the Common, back of the meeting-house of said Lexington; and as soon as said Regulars were against the east end of the meeting-house, the Commanding Officer said something, what I know not; but upon that the Regulars ran till they came within about eight or nine rods of about an Hundred of the Militia of Lexington, who were collected on said Common, at which time the Militia of Lexington dispersed; then the Officers made an huzza, and the private Soldiers succeeded them: Directly after this, an officer rode before the Regulars to the other side of the body, and hallooed after the Militia of said Lexington, and said, "Lay Down your Arms, Damn you, why Don't you lay Down your arms?" and that there was not a Gun fired till the Militia of Lexington were Dispersed; and further saith not.

Thomas Rice Willard.

No. 3.Lexington, April 25, 1775.

Simon Winship, of Lexington, in the County of Middlesex, and province of Massachusetts Bay, New England, being of lawful age, testifieth and saith, that on the Nineteenth of April Instant, about four o'Clock in the Morning, as he was passing the Publick Road in said Lexington, peaceably and unarmed, about two miles and an half distant from the meeting-House in said Lexington, he was met by a Body of the Kings regular Troops, and being stop'd by some Officers of said Troops, was Commanded to Dismount; upon asking why he must dismount, he was obliged by force to Quit his Horse, and ordered to march in the midst of the Body, and being Examined whether he had been Warning the Minute Men, he answered No, but had been out, and was then returning to his fathers. Said Winship further testifies, that he marched with said Troops, untill he came within about half-a-Quarter of a Mile of said meeting-House, where an Officer commanded the Troops to halt, and then to prime and load: this being done, the said Troops marched on till they came within a few Rods of Captain Parkers Company, who were partly collected on the place of parade, when said Winship observed an Officer at the head of said Troops, flourishing his Sword, and with a Loud Voice, giving the word fire, fire, which was instantly followed by a Discharge of Arms from said regular Troops, and said Winship is positive, and in the most solemn manner declares, that there was no Discharge of arms on either side, till the word fire was given, by the said Officer as above.

Simon Winship.

No. 4.Lexington, April 25, 1775.

I, John Parker, of lawful Age, and Commander of the Militia in Lexington, do testify and declare, that on the 19th Instant in the Morning, about one of the Clock, being informed that there were a Number of Regular Officers, riding up and down the Road, stopping and insulting People as they passed the Road; and also was informed that a Number of Regular Troops were on their March from Boston in order to take the Province Stores at Concord, ordered our Militia to meet on the Common in said Lexington to consult what to do, and concluded not to be discovered, nor meddle or make with said Regular Troops (if they should approach) unless they should insult or molest us; and, upon their sudden Approach, I immediately ordered our Militia to disperse, and not to fire:--Immediately said Troops made their appearance and rushed furiously, fired upon, and killed eight of our Party without receiving any Provocation therefor from us.

John Parker.

No. 5.Lexington, April 24, 1775.

I, John Robins, being of lawful Age, do Testifye and say, that on the Nineteenth Instant, the Company under the Command of Captain John Parker, being drawn up (sometime before sun Rise) on the Green or Common, and I being in the front Rank, there suddenly appear'd a Number of the Kings Troops, about a Thousand, as I thought, at the distance of about 60 or 70 yards from us Huzzaing, and on a quick pace towards us, with three Officers in their front on Horse Back, and on full Gallop towards us, the foremost of which cryed, throw down your Arms ye Villains, ye Rebels! upon which said Company Dispersing, the foremost of the three Officers order'd their Men, saying, fire, by God, fire! at which Moment we received a very heavy and close fire from them, at which Instant, being wounded, I fell, and several of our men were shot Dead by me. Captain Parker's men I believe had not then fired a Gun, and further the Deponent saith not.

John Robins.

No. 6.Lexington, April 25, 1775.

We, Benjamin Tidd, of Lexington, and Joseph Abbot, of Lincoln, in the County of Middlesex, and Colony of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, of lawful age, do testify and Declare that, on the morning of the Nineteenth of April Instant, about 5 o'Clock, being on Lexington Common, and mounted on Horses, we saw a Body of regular Troops Marching up to the Lexington Company, which was then dispersing: Soon after, the regulars fired, first, a few guns, which we took to be pistols from some of the Regulars who were mounted on Horses, and then the said Regulars fired a Volley or two before any guns were fired by the Lexington Company; our Horses immediately started, and we rode off. And further say not.

Benjamin Tidd,
Joseph Abbot.

No. 7.Lexington, April 25, 1775.

We, Nathaniel Mullikin, Phillip Russell, Moses Harrington, jun. Thomas and Daniel Harrington, William Grimes, William Tidd, Isaac Hastings, Jonas Stone, jun. James Wyman, Thaddeus Harrington, John Chandler, Joshua Reed, jun. Joseph Simonds, Phineas Smith, John Chandler, jun. Reuben Lock, Joel Viles, Nathan Reed, Samuel Tidd, Benjamin Lock, Thomas Winship, Simeon Snow, John Smith, Moses Harrington the 3d, Joshua Reed, Ebenezer Parker, John Harrington, Enoch Wellington, John Hosmer, Isaac Green, Phineas Stearns, Isaac Durant, and Thomas Headley,2 jun. all of Lawful age, and Inhabitants of Lexington in the County of Middlesex, and Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England, do testify and declare, that on the 19th of April instant, about one or two o'Clock in the morning, being Informed that several officers of the Regulars had, the evening before, been riding up and down the Road, and had detained and Insulted the Inhabitants passing the same; and also understanding that a body of Regulars were marching from Boston towards Concord, with intent (as it was supposed) to take the Stores, belonging to the Colony, in that town, we were alarmed, and having met at the place of our Company's Parade, were dismissed by our Captain, John Parker, for the Present, with orders to be ready to attend at the beat of the drum. We further testify and declare, that about five o'Clock in the morning, hearing our drum heat, we proceeded towards the Parade, and soon found that a Large body of troops were marching towards us: Some of our Company were coming up to the Parade, and others had reached it; at which time the Company began to disperse: Whilst our backs were Turned on the Troops, we were fired on by them, and a number of our men were Instantly killed and wounded. Not a Gun was fired, by any Person in our Company, on the Regulars, to our knowledge, before they fired on us, and they continued Firing untill we had all made our Escape.

[Signed by each of the above deponents.]

No. 8.Lexington, April 25, 1775.

We, Nathanael Parkhurst, Jonas Parker, John Munroe, jun. John Winship, Solomon Pierce, John Muzzy, Abner Meeds, John Bridge, jun. Ebenezer Bowman, William Munroe the 3d, Micah Hager, Samuel Saunderson, Samuel Hastings, and James Brown, of Lexington, in the County of Middlesex, and Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England, and all of Lawfull age, do Testify and Say, that, on the Morning of the Nineteenth of April Instant, about one or two o'Clock, being informed, that a Number of Regular Officers had been Riding up and down the Road the evening and night preceding, and that some of the Inhabitants, as they were passing, had been Insulted by the Officers, and stopped by them; and being also Informed, that the Regular Troops were on their March from Boston, in order (as it was said) to take the Colony Stores, then Deposited at Concord, we met on the Parade of our Company in this town; After the Company had Collected, we were Ordered, by Captain Parker, (who Commanded us) to Disperse for the Present, and to be Ready to attend the beat of the Drum, and Accordingly the Company went into houses near the place of Parade. We further Testify and Say, that, about five o'Clock in the morning, we attended the beat of our Drum, and were formed on the Parade; we were faced towards the Regulars then marching up to us, and some of our Company were comeing to the parade with their backs towards the Troops, and Others on the parade, began to Disperse when the Regulars fired on the Company, before a Gun was fired by any of our company on them. They killed eight of our company, and wounded several, and continued their fire, untill we had all made our escape.

[Signed by each of the deponents.]

No. 9.Lexington, April 25, 1775.

I, Timothy Smith, of Lexington, in the County of Middlesex, and Colony of Massachusetts bay, in New England, being of lawful age, do testify and declare, that, on the morning of the nineteenth of April instant, being at Lexington Common, as a spectator, I saw a large body of regular troops marching up towards the Lexington company, then dispersing, and likewise saw the regular troops fire on the Lexington company, before the latter fired a gun; I immediately ran, and a volley was discharged at me, which put me in imminent danger of losing my life; I soon returned to the Common, and saw eight of the Lexington men who were killed, and lay bleeding at a considerable distance from each other; and several were wounded: And further saith not.

Timothy Smith.

No. 10.Lexington, April 25, 1775.

We, Levi Mead and Levi Harrington, both of Lexington, in the County of Middlesex, and Colony of the Massachusetts bay, in New England, and of lawfull age, do Testify and Declare, that on the morning of the Nineteenth of April, being on Lexington Common, as spectators, we saw a Large body of Regular Troops marching up towards the Lexington Company, and some of the Regulars, on Horses, whom we took to be officers, Fired a Pistol or two on the Lexington Company, which were then dispersing: These were the First Guns that were Fired, and they were immediately followed by several volleys from the Regulars, by which Eight men, belonging to said Company, were killed, and several wounded.

Levi Harrington,
Levi Mead.

No. 11.Lexington, April 25, 1775.

I, William Draper, of lawful Age, and an Inhabitant of Colrain, in the County of Hampshire, and Colony of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, do testify and Declare, that, being on the Parade of said Lexington, April 19th Instant, about half an hour before sunrise, the King's Regular Troops appeared at the meeting House of Lexington. Captain Parkers Company, who were drawn up back of said meeting house on the Parade, turned from said Troops, making their escape, by dispersing; in the mean time, the Regular Troops made an huzza, and ran towards Captain Parkers Company, who were dispersing, and, immediately after the huzza was made, the Commanding Officer of said troops (as I took him) gave the command to the said troops, "fire! fire! damn you, fire!" and immediately, they fired before any of Captain Parkers Company fired, I then being within three or four Rods of said Regular Troops: And further say not.

William Draper.

No. 12. Lexington, April 23, 1775.

I, Thomas Fessenden, of Lawful age, testify and Declare, that, being in a Pasture near the meeting house, at said Lexington, on Wednesday last, at about half an hour before sunrise, I saw a number of Regular troops pass speedily by said meeting house, on their way towards a Company of Militia of said Lexington, who were assembled to the number of about one hundred in a company, at the Distance of eighteen or twenty rods from said meeting house; and after they had passed by said meeting house, I saw three Officers, on horseback, advance to the front of said Regulars, when one of them, being within six rods of the said Militia, cryed out, "Disperse, you Rebels, immediately," on which he Brandished his sword over his head three times; meanwhiles the second Officer, who was about two rods behind him, fired a Pistol, pointed at said Militia, and the Regulars kept huzzaing till he had finished brandishing his sword, and when he had thus finished brandishing his sword, he pointed it Down towards said Militia, and immediately on which the said Regulars fired a Volley at the Militia, and then I ran off as fast as I could, while they continued firing, till I got out of their reach. I further testify, that as soon as ever the officer Cryed "Disperse, you rebels," the said Company of Militia dispersed every way, as fast as they could, and, while they were Dispersing, the regulars kept firing at them incessantly: And further saith not.

Thomas Fessenden.

No. 13. Lincoln, April 23, 1775.

I, John Bateman, belonging to the fifty-second regiment, commanded by Colonel Jones, on Wednesday morning, on the nineteenth Day of April instant, was in the Party marching to Concord, being at Lexington, in the County of Middlesex, being nigh the meeting house in said Lexington, there was a small party of men gathered together in that place, when our said troops marched by, and I Testify and Declare, that I heard the word of command given to the Troops to fire, and some of said Troops Did fire, and I saw one of said small party lay Dead on the ground nigh said meeting house; and I testify, that I never heard any of the Inhabitants so much as fire one gun on said Troops.

John Bateman.

No. 14.Lexington, April 23, 1775.

We, John Hoar, John Whithead, Abraham Garfield, Benjamin Munroe, Isaac Parks, William Hosmer, John Adams, Gregory Stone, all of Lincoln, in the County of Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay, all of lawfull age, do testify and say, that, on Wednesday last, we were assembled at Concord, in the morning of said Day, in Consequence of information received, that a Brigade of Regular Troops were on their march to the said town of Concord, who had killed six men at the Town of Lexington; About an hour afterwards we saw them approaching, to the Number, as we Apprehended, of about Twelve hundred, on which we retreated to a Hill about Eighty Rods back, and the said Troops then took Possession of the Hill, where we were first Posted; presently after this, we saw the Troops moving towards the North Bridge, about one Mile from the said Concord Meeting House; we then immediately went before them and passed the Bridge just before a party of them, to the Number of about two hundred, arrived; They there left about one half of their two hundred at the Bridge, and proceeded, with the rest, towards Col. Barretts, about two Miles from the said Bridge; we then seeing several fires in the Town, thought the Houses in Concord were in danger, and Marched towards the said Bridge; and the Troops that were stationed there, observing our approach, marched back over the Bridge and then took up some of the Plank; we then hastened our March towards the Bridge, and when we had got near the Bridge, they fired on our men, first three Guns, one after the other, and then a Considerable Number more; and then, and not before (having orders from our Commanding Officers not to fire till we were fired upon) we fired upon the Regulars and they Retreated. On their Retreat through the Town of Lexington to Charlestown, they Ravaged and destroyed private property, and burnt three Houses one Barn and one Shop.

[Signed by each of the above dependents.]

No. 15.Lexington, April 23, 1775.

We, Nathan Barrett, Captain; Jonathan Farrar, Joseph Butler, and Francis Wheeler, Lieutenants; John Barrett, Ensign; John Brown, Silas Walker, Ephraim Melvin, Nathan Buttrick, Stephen Hosmer, Junr. Samuel Barrett, Thomas Jones, Joseph Chandler, Peter Wheeler, Nathan Peirce, and Edward Richardson, all of Concord, in the County of Middlesex, in the province of the Massachusetts Bay, of Lawfull Age, Testify and Declare, that on Wednesday, the Nineteenth Instant, about an Hour after sun rise, we Assembled on a Hill near the meeting House, in Concord aforesaid, in consequence of an information, that a number of regular Troops had killed six of our Countrymen, at Lexington, and were on their march to said Concord; and about an Hour afterwards, we saw them approaching, to the number, as we Imagine, of about Twelve Hundred; on which we retreated to a Hill about Eighty rods back, and the aforesaid Troops then took possession of a Hill where we were first posted. Presently after this, we saw them moving towards the North Bridge, about one mile from the said meeting House; we then immediately went before them, and passed the bridge just before a party of them, to the number of about Two Hundred, arrived. They there left about one half of these two Hundred at the bridge, and proceeded with the rest towards Colonel Barret's, about two miles from the said bridge. We then seing several fires in the Town, thought our houses were in Danger, and immediately march'd back towards said bridge, and the troops who were station'd there, observing our approach, march'd back over the bridge, and then took up some of the planks. We then hastened our Steps towards the bridge, and when we had got near the bridge, they fir'd on our men, first three guns, one after the other, and then a Considerable number more; upon which, and not before, (having orders from our Commanding Officer not to fire till we were fired upon) we fir'd upon the regulars, and they retreated. At Concord, and on their retreat thro' Lexington, they plunder'd many houses, burnt three at Lexington, together with a shop and barn, and committed damage, more or less, to almost every House from Concord to Charlestown.

[Signed by the above deponents.]

We, Joseph Butler, and Ephraim Melvin, do testify and declare, that when the regular troops fir'd upon our people, at the North Bridge, in Concord, as related in the foregoing depositions, they shot one, and we believe two, of our people before we fir'd a single gun at them.

Joseph Butler,
Ephraim Melvin.

No. 16.Concord, April 23, 1775.

I, Timothy Minot, Junr. of Concord, on the ninteenth day of this Instant, April, after that I had heard of the regular troops firing upon Lexington men, and fearing that hostillities might be Committed at Concord, thought it my incumbent Duty to Secure my family. After I had Secured my family, some Time after that, returning towards my own Dwelling, and finding that the bridge on the Northern part of said Concord, were guarded by regular troops, being a Spectator of what had happened at said bridge, declare, that the regular troops Stationed on [said] bridge, after they saw the men that were collected on the westerly side of said Bridge, marched towards said bridge, then the Troops returned towards the easterly side of said bridge, and formed themselves, as I thought, for regular fight: after that they fired one gun, then two or three more, before the men that were stationed on the westerly part of said bridge fired on them.

Timothy Minot, Jun.

No. 17.Lexington, April 23, 1775.

I, James Barrett of Concord Colonel of a Regiment of Militia in the County of Middlesex Do testify and say that on Wednesday Morning last about Day-break I was informed of the approach of a number of the Regular Troops to the Town of Concord where was some Magazines belonging to this Province, when there was assembled some of the Militia of this and the neighbouring Towns, when I order'd them to march to the North Bridge (so called) which they had passed and were taking up, I ordered said Militia to march to said bridge and pass the same, but not to fire on the King's Troops unless they were first fired upon. We advanced neer said bridge, when the said troops fired upon our Militia, and killed two Men dead on the Spot and wounded several others, which was the first firing of Guns in the town of Concord. My Detachment then returned the fire which killed and wounded several of the King's Troops.

James Barrett.

No. 18.Lexington, April 23, 1775.

We, Bradbury Robinson, Samuel Spring, Thaddeus Bancroft, all of Concord; and James Adams, of Lexington, all in the County of Middlesex, all of Lawful age, do testifie and say, that on Wednesday morning last, near ten of the Clock, we saw near one Hundred of the Regular Troops, being in the Town of Concord, at the North Bridge in said Town (so called) and having passed the same, they were taking up said bridge, when about three Hundred of our Militia were advancing toward said bridge, in Order to pass said Bridge, when, without saying any thing to us, they Discharged a Number of guns on us, which killed two men Dead on the spot, and wounded several others; when we returned the fire on them, which killed two of them, and wounded several, which was the Beginning of hostilities in the Town of Concord.

Bradbury Robinson,
Samuel Spring,
Thaddeus Bancroft,
James Adams.

Worcester, April 26, 1775.

Hannah Bradish, of that part of Cambridge, called Menotomy, and daughter of timothy Paine, of Worcester, in the county of Worcester, esq. of lawful age, testifies and says, that about five o'clock on Wednesday last, afternoon, being in her bed-chamber, with her infant child, about eight days old, she was surprised by the firing of the king's troops and our people, on their return from Concord. She being weak and unable to go out of her house, in order to secure herself and family, they all retired into the kitchen, in the back part of the house. She soon found the house surrounded with the king's troops; that upon observation made, at least seventy bullets were shot into the front part of the house; several bullets lodged in the kitchen where she was, and one passed through an easy chair she had just gone from. The door of the front part of the house was broken open; she did not see any soldiers in the house, but supposed, by the noise, they were in the front. After the troops had gone off, she missed the following things, which, she verily believes, were taken out of the house by the king's troops, viz: one rich brocade gown, called a negligée, one lutestring gown, one white quilt, one pair of brocade shoes, three shifts, eight white aprons, three caps, one case of ivory knives and forks, and several other small articles.

Hannah Bradish.

Province of the Massachusetts Bay,
Worcester, ss. April 26, 1775.

Mrs. Hannah Bradish, the above deponent, maketh oath before us, the subscribers, two of his majesty's justices of the peace, for the county of Worcester, and of the quorum, that the above deposition, according to her best recollection, is the truth. Which deposition is taken in perpetuam rei memoriam.

Thomas Steel,
Timothy Paine.

No. 19.Concord, April 23, 1775.

I, James Marr, of Lawful age, Testify and Say, that in the evening of the Eighteenth Instant, I Received Orders from George Hutchinson, Adjutant of the fourth Regiment of the Regular Troops Stationed at Boston, to prepare and march: to which Order I attended, and marched to Concord, where I was ordered by an officer with about one Hundred Men, to guard a certain Bridge there; while attending that service, a Number of People came along, in Order, as I suppose, to Cross said Bridge, at which Time a Number of the Regular Troops first fired upon them.

James Marr.

No. 20.Medford, April 25, 1775.

I, Edward Thoroton Gould, of his Majesty's own Regiment of Foot, being of lawful Age, do testify and declare, that on the Evening of the 18th. Instant, under the Orders of General Gage, I embarked with the Light infantry and Grenadiers of the Line, commanded by Colonel Smith, and landed on the Marshes of Cambridge, from whence we proceeded to Lexington; On our arrival at that place, we saw a Body of provincial Troops armed, to the Number of about sixty or seventy Men; on our Approach, they dispersed, and soon after firing began, but which party fired first, I cannot exactly say, as our Troops rush'd on shouting, and huzzaing, previous to the firing, which was continued by our Troops, so long as any of the provincials were to be seen. From thence we marched to Concord. On a Hill near the Entrance of the Town, we saw another Body of provincials assembled; the light Infantry Companies were ordered up the Hill to disperse them; on our approach, they retreated towards Concord; the Grenadiers continued the Road under the Hill towards the Town. Six Companies of light Infantry were ordered down to take possession of the Bridge, which the provincials retreated over; the Company I commanded was one: three Companies of the above Detachment went forwards about Two Miles; in the mean Time, the provincial Troops returned, to the number of about three or four hundred: We drew up on the Concord side [of] the Bridge, the provincials came down upon us, upon which we engaged and gave the first Fire; This was the first Engagement after the one at Lexington; a continued firing from both parties lasted thro' the whole Day; I myself was wounded at the Attack of the Bridge, and am now treated with the greatest Humanity, and taken all possible Care of by the provincials at Medford.

Edward Thoroton Gould,
Lieut. King's own Regiment.

Province of Massachusetts Bay,
Middlesex County, April 25, 1775.

Lieut. Edward Thoroton Gould, aforenamed, personally made Oath to the Truth of the foregoing Declaration by him subscribed, before us.

Thad. Mason,
Josiah Johnson,
Simon Tufts,

Justices of the peace, for the County aforesaid, quorum unus.

Province of Massachusetts-Bay, Charlestown, ss.

I, Nathaniel Gorham, Notary and tabellion Publick, by lawful Authority duly admitted and sworn, hereby certify, to all whom it doth or may concern, That Thadeus Mason, Josiah Johnson, and Simon Tufts, Esqrs. are three of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace (quorum unus) for the County of Middlesex; and that full faith and Credit is, and ought to be given to their Transactions, as such, both in Court and Out. In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my name and seal, this twenty-sixth day of April, Anno Domini, one thousand seven hundred and seventy five.

Nathaniel Gorham, Notary Public. (L. S.)

28 posted on 04/19/2006 9:31:36 AM PDT by michigander (The Constitution only guarantees the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.)
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