The One Who inspired the biblical texts. Why? Because He is the One Who is attested as the Creator and sustainer of everything science has at hand to observe, quantify, and explain, plus much that will remain beyond the purview of science until such time as it is revealed.
For what reason should I accept the authority and accuracy of Biblical texts?
It seems apparent that you should not. Otherwise you would. It is not my prerogative to prescribe where you place your trust, or from what source you ultimately seek knowledge and certainty. The biblical texts say what they say, and I take them to be true. They speak of an intelligently created and sustained heaven and earth. Lo and behold, I have been born into a world replete with heaven, earth, and organized matter performing specific functions down to the tiniest details of particle matter.
The same text for you, for whatever reason, does not meet with your approval. Fine. Far be it from me to tell you why you should or should not take the position you do. It is simply your nature to be that way. This, too, has been addressed by the biblical texts and adds further veracity to their claim, but I hardly expect you to understand this or agree.