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To: calcowgirl

When I started railing on this issue in the early to mid 1990s, I knew this day would come. Well, here we are. What the exact number was today, is not important. The fact is, California has millions of illegal immigrant residents. That alone is problematic enough, but when La Raza, Maldef and MechLa are done with them, we will have a serious problem on our hands. Leftists are thrilled to see this. They hate our nation enough to cheer this situation.

Today it's boisterous protesting. Still to come, and not that far off IMO, are more severe problems, fostered by the above mentioned groups and the vicious gangs that want to capitalize off of the unrest.

Folks like Bustamante, Villagaraosa and their fellow travelers will will also want to capitalize off that unrest.

The business concerns who have selfishly padded their bank accounts off the backs of these people will also seek to capitalize off this movement.

This is essentially the vile trifecta of concerns who will do everything in their power to break California away from the nation, if at all possible.

It starts with massive protests, such as the one today, and will progress to violence and referendums.

I'd just like to say thanks to the illegal alien appologists on this forum. Thanks a whole helll of a lot for helping to make it an iffy situation whether our nation will remain unified.

These problems are not confined to California any longer, thanks to the pricks who hire illegal immigrants. This unrest is coming to a neighborhood near you.

Perhaps it's time to take note of who are hiring these people and let them know how much "WE DO NOT!" appreciate it.

166 posted on 03/25/2006 7:42:06 PM PST by DoughtyOne (If you don't want to be lumped in with those who commit violence in your name, take steps to end it.)
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To: DoughtyOne

Villagaraosa actually showed up and spoke at this "rally" today. His election as Mayor of Los Angeles was the death knell for that once fine city.

168 posted on 03/25/2006 7:43:28 PM PST by Arizona Carolyn
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To: DoughtyOne
"I'd just like to say thanks to the illegal alien appologists on this forum. Thanks a whole helll of a lot for helping to make it an iffy situation whether our nation will remain unified."

I agree. I wonder what will happen to this country since I see so many people on a CONSERVATIVE site divided on this issue. If they aren't convinced that this is just the beginning of the end of American life as we used to know it and needs to be stopped ASAP, I don't hold out hope for the liberal nuts out there either.

200 posted on 03/25/2006 8:30:20 PM PST by just deserts
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