When our kids were little (but old enough to clean up after themselves) they lived in fear of ...[scary music!] The Bag Lady. She would creep into their rooms when they were sleeping, or while they were at school. She carried a big black bag, and *poof* all toys and clothes left on the floor would disappear! Once a month, she featured a special deal. If their rooms were all shipshape, she would leave things from the black bag. Of course, the things had to be put away before bedtime, or she would take them back again!
This worked well, until they figured out the Bag Lady could be used as a trash disposal service. She retired, and I learned to close bedroom doors! OK, our oldest son's carpet wasn't seen for his entire senior year, and when I finally got the guts to clean that room, I found stuff in layers! I could actually date the junk!!
That was a colorful post! You need to seriously consider writing children's stories or something!
I'm not joking. I read that twice and may read it again. That was great.
I once gave my daughter my final word about cleaning her room. She was maybe 15 or 16 and she did such a good job that I remember being surprised that there was carpet on the floor.
I really like the Bag Lady idea.