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To: Elsie

The most interesting thing about you DU post -- aside from the fact that it violates Jim Robinson's explicit policy of not posting from DU -- is that these threads attract a lot of readership from the political opposition.

If they don't watch out they will catch conservative cooties.

815 posted on 03/09/2006 10:42:52 AM PST by js1138
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To: js1138
it violates Jim Robinson's explicit policy of not posting from DU

Gone already.

817 posted on 03/09/2006 10:54:05 AM PST by Coyoteman (I love the sound of beta decay in the morning!)
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To: js1138; Coyoteman
The most interesting thing about you DU post -- aside from the fact that it violates Jim Robinson's explicit policy of not posting from DU -- is that these threads attract a lot of readership from the political opposition.
Explicit?  Where?  Below is what I could find from FR's homepage.
Is DU part of the LATimes or WASHpost?  Or was in the COMMERICIALS that got posted?

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Posted on 03/22/2004 8:22:17 PM CST by Jim Robinson

I posted the following statement to our front page in response to the criticism I'm receiving lately as to not being fair and balanced and perceived mistreatment of trolls and assorted malcontents. Got news for all, I'm NOT fair and balanced. I'm biased toward God, country, family, liberty and freedom and against liberalism, socialism, anarchism, wackoism, global balonyism and any other form of tyranny. Hope this helps.

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Therefore, we wholeheartedly support the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strikes on known terrorist states and organizations that are believed to present a clear threat to our freedom or national security. We support our military, our troops and our Commander-in-Chief and we oppose turning control of our government back over to the liberals and socialists who favor appeasement, weakness, and subserviency. We do not believe in surrendering to the terrorists as France, Germany, Russia and Spain have done and as Kerry, Kennedy, Clinton and the Democrats, et al, are proposing.

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May God bless and protect our men and women in uniform fighting for our freedom and may God continue to bless America.

Jim Robinson

THIS -->

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<-- is the one that seems to apply.

850 posted on 03/09/2006 2:25:28 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going....)
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