Ninth Circus? Boy Scouts lose and ACLU wins - again.
Boy scouts HAVE NO CHANCE.
This case was decided before it began.
Integrity vs Deviancy
GEE, I wonder what the ruling will be..............
I predict that if after appeals, etc, the Scouts win, the perverts will flaunt their stuff on the same public property at the same time the scouts are there -- making it unsuitable. The ACLU will fight for the left's right to be on the same public land, and their rights to contribute to the delinquency of these kids, etc, etc.
Ths scouts might just as well work out comparable arrangements with a church group or organization, get private land made available for their good works.
Every group with any definition at all discriminates. It's called freedom of association. This case is about pitting one belief system against another and asking the court to choose. No doubt they will choose the ACLU. Frankly if they win, their own atheistic beliefs should ban them from all public places or connection with public funds too.
"We only say God in general. & It could be the Buddha god, the Hindu god. It doesn't say anything about Jesus Christ."
By Allah, I believe that sounds like a capitulation; might as well stop right there, the ACLU could hardly ask for more.
This will be a good test for the new Supreme Court. We shall see where we stand.
I hope Bush gets to appoint at least one more on the USSC.
And it would be great to see a change in the Ninth Circuit Court as well.
BSA's legal website is here:
BSA's main website is here:
Be interesting to see how this all plays out.
What if the Klan wanted to rent space? No, some say because they discriminate.
But what if the Klan wants a permit to demonstrate, courts have said you have to let them. What's the difference?
I have been camping here as a boy scout some 30yrs ago, it was cool then, I am sure with all the inprovemnts it's better not, also ther was a girl scout camp not far away we use to sneek to and check out the girls. BOO HISS on the ACLU and the 9th circus.
The leftist want the scouts to either become a farm team for San Francisco or else to go away.
Has there been any reports about this, considering it is the 9th Court, they should be able to hand down a quick decision....
Anyone ever wonder why the Girl Scouts do not have to constantly battle the leftist homosexual 'rights' onslaught that the Boy Scouts do. The answer may horrify some -objectively the leftists have already had thier way with the Girl Scouts organization -- be aware parents...
Write your Senators about 42 U.S.C. §1988:
The ACLU should be asked to explain
(1) how the organization funds its activities.
(2) how budgetary requirements are compiled,
(3) how the ACLU solicits funding,
(4) the manner in which the ACLU allocates assets,
(5) whether the ACLU fraudulently converted tax dollars to unlawful surveillance and other illegal purposes, and,
(6) whether the ACLU employs accounting fraud.
They're extorting money from the tax paying public to continue their assault on our moral organizations. Hold them accountable.