From the perspective of a person who identifies faith with lack of justification, evolution and science appear to be more trustworthy and rationally justified system of beliefs. Such a perspective tends to discount spiritual evidence.
From the perspective of a person who considers God exists and is able to have a relationship with Him through faith in Christ, an entire new domain of the spirit is manifest. In order to develop an epistemology or new thinking in the believer that not only accounts for every piece of evidence maintained by evolutionary theory, but also to acknowledge the domain of the spirit, a new theory of Intelligent Design emerges.
IMHO, both believer and unbeliever, if honest will acknowledge the evidence used in either theory. There are many statements made by both in their particular vocabularies, based upon previous premises, which become dogmatic in their later development. Such advanced dogmas tend to cause immediate rejection by an advocate of the alternate position.
It would be equally dishonest in the reverse case -- if evolutionary biology tried to elbow its way into the pulpit while falsely pretending to be revealed religion.