February 19, 2006
He Never Changes
Photographer David Crocket of Seattle's KOMO-TV knows that solid mountains can move. On May 18, 1980, he was at the foot of towering Mount St. Helens when it erupted. For 10 hours he was nearly buried by the falling debris. As the atmosphere cleared, a helicopter pilot spotted him. He was dramatically rescued and flown to a hospital.
Writing about his horrendous experience, he said, "During those 10 hours I saw a mountain fall apart. I saw a forest disappear. . . . I saw that God is the only one who is immovable. . . . I feel somehow that I'm being allowed to start overwhatever is in His master plan for me."
Nothing in our world, not even a mountain, is absolutely indestructible. God alone is absolutely unchangeableHe endures "forever" (Psalm 102:12). He "has established His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all" (103:19).
When we trust ourselves to God's keeping, we are forever secure. He removes our sins from us "as far as the east is from the west" (103:12). And His mercy toward us is "from everlasting to everlasting" (v.17). He holds us in His almighty hands, and nothing can pry us loose from that omnipotent grip (John 10:28-29). Vernon Grounds
Our world may crumble around us, but God never changes.
Good morning, Mayor. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend. Have a blessed Sunday...sing out in church!
Thanks for our beautiful lesson from God's Word. Thank God that He never changes and that He always loves us, no matter what.
Oh, how true this is, and how *simple* things can become when you trust it all to Him!!
No matter what the evil one throws at us, God is always there to strengthen us, and to show us how to ultimately unsnarl ourselves from his clutches..:))
Thank you, Mayor.