Wow. What a powerful thought.
He's correct. The problem with European Socialists is the moral vacuum. Government cannot dictate morality when there is simply no basis for morality. Socialism is by nature a failure because it places government as the source of moral doctrine. People hear socialists lament over what is supposed to be right and wrong, their version of social justice. It has no impact, as the thinking man simply responds "Who the hell are you to tell me this?" Suffice to say that God in Heaven carries more influence. Socialists want to be God, but mostly end up looking like a sad joke (see: France.)
Christianity offers a vast array of moral doctrine and can be deeply infused within a society. The beliefs drive individuals to conform to society within the moral parameters defined by that doctrine. Socialist doctrine can never achieve that level of societal penetration. It is a joke by comparison.
Islam and Christianity can be described as competing in the area of morality ideology, although they are by no means comparable. Islam's advantage in Europe comes at the expense of the decline of Christianity due to the attack upon it by Socialists. They've been attempting to purge society of Christian values for years so that there can be no moral opposition to the implementation of a governing socialist ideology.
And in that moral vacuum left by a weakened Christian population, Islam thrives. It easily feeds upon the discontent and malice of the growing migrant population. It manipulates their frustration and fosters hatred which their leaders can direct like a blow from a hammer.
Bet those Euros are thinking that maybe those Christians and Jews weren't so bad after all.
Anyway, TheCrusader said it better in less words. Brevity is the soul of wit.
You're not so bad at brevity. You should use the above for your tagline.