Funny how there were no men talking at this event, not that I'm accusing them of sexism.
Funny how there were no pro lifers talking at this event, not that I'm saying it was unbalanced.
Funny how these people call the military "baby killers".
When was the last time an anti-abortion group featured a speaker talking about how she feels she made the right decision when she had an abortion? Advocacy groups of any kind promote their own agendas, not their opponents' agendas.
Actually, I found it interesting that both of the clearly sympathetic authors of this article are men.
There doesn't seem to be much support for the "Male Abortion." That's a law that permits a man to file a certificate disowning the child during the period when an abortion would be legal. He has to pay a fee, similar to the cost of an abortion. Once the document is filed, the child is dead to him. No visitation rights, no supporting him in his old age, and no child support payments to momma.
For some reason, the pro-choice crowd has never taken up this project to give daddy a choice.