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Liberal-Left Deserting Hillary Clinton (So who's left to vote for her?)
Sierra Times ^
| 2/2/2006
| Jim Kouri, CPP
Posted on 02/02/2006 1:46:05 PM PST by FerdieMurphy
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...Kerry believes he has a shot at the presidency even after losing to President Bush in 2004.Relax, Ketchup Boy, you haven't a snowball's chance in hell!
To: FerdieMurphy
(So who's left to vote for her?)Morons?
posted on
02/02/2006 1:46:57 PM PST
(* Sarcasm tag ALWAYS required. For some FReepers, sarcasm can NEVER be obvious enough.)
To: FerdieMurphy
Poor Hillary. Even if she's able to convince people that she's not a Communist, she'll never be able to shed that "moth-eaten b*tch" look.
posted on
02/02/2006 1:48:32 PM PST
(The plain truth is that I am not a fair man, and don't want to hear both sides.)
To: FerdieMurphy
Relax, Ketchup Boy, you haven't a snowball's chance in hell!The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that the Dems will nominate Al Gore again.
posted on
02/02/2006 1:48:39 PM PST
("Dogs look up to us, cats look down on us and pigs treat us as equals" Winston Churchill)
To: FerdieMurphy
"Liberal-Left Deserting Hillary Clinton (So who's left to vote for her?)"same base as always, idiots
posted on
02/02/2006 1:48:40 PM PST
(Free Sirhan Sirhan, after all, the bastard who killed Mary Jo Kopechne is walking around free)
To: FerdieMurphy
Maybe if Kerry runs with Billary their flip-flopping will cancel each other out and the will be centrists. Or mayne they could mate and produce flying pigs.
To: FerdieMurphy
"Look at me. Look at me! I am the sanest democrat!"
To: FerdieMurphy
Wow...I bet her list of "Who to execute as soon as I'm in power" is over 50 volumes by now.
To: jalisco555
The last time I lurked at DU (always good for a laugh) they had a poll up about the 2008 primaries. Gore was leading by a landslide. He had close to 50%, while Shrillary only had 7%.
posted on
02/02/2006 1:51:25 PM PST
(I am excessively diverted. ~~Jane Austen)
To: kellynch
DU (always good for a laugh) they had a poll up about the 2008 primaries. Gore was leading by a landslide.The dummies take recycle/reuse way too literal......
posted on
02/02/2006 1:53:39 PM PST
(Hard work never killed anyone, but why chance it?)
To: FerdieMurphy
If all the liberal journalists in the US got together they couldn't elect a dog catcher in a major US City. And that's Hillary's real problem. She's got to get support beyond the MSM. And it ain't there...
posted on
02/02/2006 1:54:24 PM PST
(President Bush to Democrats: "Hindsight is not wisdom. Second-guessing is not strategy")
To: FerdieMurphy
For anyone who believes Hillary is really moving to the right, I have been holding a beautiful bridge for them that reaches from the tip of Manhattan to Brooklyn. I will sell it to them cheap!
Hillary Clinton is a dedicated Marxist. Dedicated Marxists do not ever, ever give up. Maybe they will take one step backward from time to time, but only so that they can take two steps forward when the time is right.
It has taken a long long time but Hillary has finally caught on that a leftist cannot win a presidential race. She will not change her ideology but she will change her image.
Some people will believe Hillary's ploy. These are the same people who watch daytime TV and think Ted Kennedy is a moderate.
To: FormerACLUmember
I see this picture all over the place, and assume it was taken at the SOTU. But does anyone know for sure the circumstances under which this pic was taken?
It is amazing.
posted on
02/02/2006 1:56:04 PM PST
(Fake but accurate -- and now double-sourced)
To: FerdieMurphy
The Democrats have a new rising star in Mark Warner, who recently stepped down as governor of the conservative state of Virginia. If Mark Warner is their rising star, the Dem Party is in worse shape than I thought. As for Hillary, she'll say anything to anybody at any time, as long as it results in her getting 51% of the vote.
posted on
02/02/2006 1:56:14 PM PST
To: Jaysun
Yeah. And another thing. Who ordered Vince Foster's murder and what's the explanation about that large pile of dead people the Klintons have left in their ruinous wake?
This boring, shrill witch is thought by some imbeciles to be the smartest woman in the world, but after studying her speeches I find her to be absolutely sophomorically vacant. The same goes for her commie husband thingy too. He prattles on like Castro.
posted on
02/02/2006 1:57:01 PM PST
(For English, Press One. (Tookie, you won the Pulitzer and Nobel prizes. Oh, too late.))
To: FerdieMurphy
(So who's left to vote for her?)
Craig Livingstone?
posted on
02/02/2006 1:57:37 PM PST
Deo volente
(The Clintons are like a bad case of psoriasis that won't go away.)
To: Onelifetogive
posted on
02/02/2006 1:57:45 PM PST
in hoc signo vinces
("Houston, TX...a waiting quagmire for jihadis. American gals are worth fighting for!")
To: jalisco555
The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that the Dems will nominate Al Gore again. You just may be right. He's doing everything to position himself as the really whacked-out far left choice. Hillary's negatives are too high--unpoliticized women will hate her with a passion. Kerry is just too much a caricature of himself to be a 2nd time candidate. Howard Dean is still Howard Dean. The ambulance chasing V.P. candidate from last time (forget his name) didn't make much of an impression on anybody. It's too early for Obama/Osama too run. There are no viable Dem candidates. That leaves AlGore. You've nailed it!!
To: FerdieMurphy
Is Pat Paulsen still available?
He'd fit right in: He could REALLY speak!
about nothing
posted on
02/02/2006 1:58:57 PM PST
(Bush SPYED, Terrorists DIED!)
To: R.W.Ratikal
You're right. Hillary's move to the right would take a lifetime.
Her card was punched by the Soviet Union along with that thing she married. I believe that the USSR matched these two communists up and sponsored their entire lives and when the USSR went belly-up (but they're baaaack!) the communist Chinese picked up their contract.
posted on
02/02/2006 1:59:55 PM PST
(For English, Press One. (Tookie, you won the Pulitzer and Nobel prizes. Oh, too late.))
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