Here in southern NH, I see the coal cars lined up on the freight trains, going to the Bow generating plant. So what has Senator Byrd (D) been doing for W.Va. coal miners during his 50+ year tenure?
When does the governor shut down the highways?
i'm all for safety but this seems a tad dramatic.
If they'd figure out a way to stop Byrd's palsy, then maybe their mines would quit getting rattled and collapsing.
Well, at least Manchin is doing something more than talking which is unusual for a Democrat. It does not seem like it would all to difficult to install those safety areas like they had in the Potash mine in Saskatchewan. Places with O2 canisters and other supplies for miners to wait until rescue can get to them. I mean crimony when you are in a theatre or any public building lighted "exit" signs are required.
It is all fun and games until a few million Yankees freeze their @sses off. Lucky for them it is a mild winter.
Shut em down permanently------Good--they are dangerous and anachronistic.
The safe mines out west are above ground and fulfill our needs.
The plutocrat Rockefeller and Sheets Byrd should be thrown out ASAP!
Things have really gone to pot during the GWB years, haven't they. More and I agree with GWB that President Clinton is one of my favorite persons.