Is there anything that Ramsey Clark won't do? I guess he hasn't made the trip to Venezuela yet. But he will.
Nobel Peace Prize, no. But maybe the Tony.
I would like to see Ramsey Clark placed on trial.
I'd like to see Ramsey Clark face treason charges.
Let's remember that Clark was Jimmuh Carter's Attorney General. And who was it who lost Iran and ushered in this era of worldwide terrorism? Why, it was Clark's boss, Jimmuh Carter.
Amman - International activists and lawyers involved in the defence of Saddam Hussein said on Sunday they would organize a mock trial of US President George W Bush and the British and Israeli prime ministers for alleged war crimes committed in Iraq and the Palestinian territories.
The prosecution will be headed by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, who sits on Saddam's defence team, according to one of the organizers.
Animal House
written by Douglas Kenney, Chris Miller, & Harold Ramis
D-Day (Bruce McGill): War's over, man. Wormer dropped the big one.
Bluto: Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
Otter (Tim Matheson): [whispering] Germans?
Boon (Peter Riegert): Forget it, he's rolling.
Bluto: And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough... [thinks hard] the tough get goin'! Who's with me? Let's go! [runs out, alone; then returns] What the fuck happened to the Delta I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? "Ooh, we're afraid to go with you Bluto, we might get in trouble." Well just kiss my ass from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this. Wormer, he's a dead man! Marmalard, dead! Niedermeyer -
Otter: Dead! Bluto's right. Psychotic, but absolutely right. We gotta take these bastards. Now we could do it with conventional weapons that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.
Bluto: We're just the guys to do it.
You don't say?
I'll bet Jimmy Carter certifies the verdict as authentic.