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To: Sangey

Journalists are like FReepers, soldiers, doctors, lawyers, etc. They don't all think and act alike.

"Yes I believe that the soldiers today still distrust the media."

I don't believe in that statement as an absolute, just as I don't believe "the MSM" is a monolith.

224 posted on 01/29/2006 9:01:18 AM PST by leadpenny
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To: leadpenny
Journalists are like FReepers, soldiers, doctors, lawyers, etc. They don't all think and act alike.

Exactly. And just like Freepers, this guy has a family who probably worried about his safety and well-being just like the rest of us who have family and or friends serving over there.

227 posted on 01/29/2006 9:07:50 AM PST by Neets
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To: leadpenny
I agree with Leadpenny that the media is not a united group. A monolith is not the total of the media. But there are so many untrustable and hostile in the media to the values of the US people and US Military that we cannot trust them all.

If we can agree that a significant portion of the media are leftists that hold values that are opposed to us and they work to propoganda the American people, then we can understand that they are hostile until we know other than that. It is that we cannot take the risk of trusting them when so many of them are hostile.

I do not blame these soldiers for mistrust and hostilite to the media it is easy only to understand when you see how they manipulate. Because of what they see and hear it in the media it is only natural.
You are right we are not monolithic{it is a good word} and the media is not and the soldiers are not I heard that the two injured newsmen is better now. That is fortunate that they will get better but I am still cynical of the media. I think I still share with the much of the military my not trusting the media.

Buddha Bless the USA
548 posted on 01/29/2006 2:55:20 PM PST by Sangey (Buddha bless the USA)
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