Exactly. And just like Freepers, this guy has a family who probably worried about his safety and well-being just like the rest of us who have family and or friends serving over there.
I don't watch ABC News but I'm sure he and his cameraman are decent fellows.
Well, there is one small difference. Most Freepers support the United States and don't go out of their way to damage it and try to get our military killed with things like Abu Garahb and other non scandals. Most Freepers do not give aid and comfort to enemies, knowing that it will cost the lives of journalists. Most Freepers don't consider terrorists kindred spirits and freedom fighters. Most freepers don't hope that America will fail in this war.
Granted, some journalists do support America but not anyone that works for ABC.
That said, I do feel for the families and the two injured but I don't let that cloud my judgment as to what they intended to do over there. The net result of which would have cost more of our soldiers lives. I would guess that everyone in the media sleeps just fine at night after they get people killed with false stories about korans being flushed down toilets etc. My sympathy is, therefore somewhat strained.