Code Pink Leader Has Tantrum at Walter Reed - 01/27/06
1st hand report and pics by tgslTakoma
Bookmarked to read later -- I can't look at the pics here cause my connection's too slow -- but I cannot wait to see it!!
Hi Tonk..the pinko's did a nice job trashing that car no wonder they don't want the camera's on them
Thanks for the ping
Could they lose their permit for assaulting people in the permit area?
Sure, supporting the troops is important, but don't conservatives believe in taking the high road anymore?
I think conservatives should expend their energies engaging in reasoned discourse in the marketplace of ideas, not engaging in a bazaar of 60's-style street theatre of the absurd and militant tactics . . . against big, fat, old, irrelevant losers. Conservatives should stand for ideas, values and principles, (like the annual March for Life,) not against this or that puny, insignificant group of radicals. Why? Because, over time, developing an addiction to such fringe behavior, and being negatively motivated (embarrass the other; make them look bad; shout them down; intimidate them; stay on the street corner 10 minutes longer than they do, Friday night after Friday night, etc.) warps the individual.
You're only affirming them by reacting to them, and feeding their need to be noticed. In the process, you may become like them.
Thanks for the ping!