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LIVE SENATE THREAD: C-span 2 - Noon EST; "Suppose
the Dems throw a filabuster and NOBODY comes?"
C-span 2
Posted on 01/27/2006 8:38:03 AM PST by ken5050
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To: McGruff; YaYa123
Bill Schneider on CNN was practically laughing at Kerry, saying that after Alito is approved, people are going to be looking at Kerry saying, "What was that all about?"
posted on
01/27/2006 11:08:30 AM PST
(Why don't you just report the news, instead of what might be the news? - Donald Rumsfeld 1/25/2006)
To: YaYa123
Ford's family may hurt his least I hope so...Ford is a real "smart guy"...who thinks he knows everything...
To: Bahbah
To: McGruff
"Sen Lautenberg (who was the former female NJ gov... No silly, the former female NJ governor was Gov. James McGreevey.
To: A Citizen Reporter; STARWISE
Thanks on the senator from Georgia.
posted on
01/27/2006 11:09:24 AM PST
(Why don't you just report the news, instead of what might be the news? - Donald Rumsfeld 1/25/2006)
To: TomGuy
Our Forefathers established The Constitution to get away from foreign (European) law. That's good.
posted on
01/27/2006 11:09:53 AM PST
(A Liberal: One who demands half of your pie because he didn't bake one.)
To: All
JOHN KERRY, BACK IN TOWN [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
Allow me a narrow point, but one that gave me chills.
On the Senate floor a few minutes ago, John Kerry, back from Davos and gunning for Left-wing money, referred to Stenberg v. Carhart, explaining that the Court did an important thing striking down a Nebraska law that banned partial-birth-abortion, because the Court by doing so protected women's health. Put aside constitutional law and Judge Alito for the moment, because, honestly, that's what the Dems do anyway--none of this filibuster-talk nonsense is about either one--John Kerry certainly sounded proud that a ban on partial-birth-abortion (click here--WARNING--for a visual []) was aborted by the Court. Because that's who he aligns himself with--people who think that was, in fact, a good thing. Yeah, he'll never be president. But he could have been.
Posted at 02:11 PM
posted on
01/27/2006 11:10:12 AM PST
(DNC - The longer the nose, the more we expose. No Costco, it's Sam's Club for me.)
To: YaYa123
Lautenberg introduced Alito, but refused to endorse him, even when Spector jokingly asked if he wouldn't like to do so.It did not go unremarked.
posted on
01/27/2006 11:10:16 AM PST
(An admitted Snow Flake and a member of Sam's Club)
posted on
01/27/2006 11:10:19 AM PST
(Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur)
To: Txsleuth
Ford is a real "smart guy"...who thinks he knows everything...I lived in Memphis for 15 years. Ford Jr is an Einstein compared to his dad. LOL
posted on
01/27/2006 11:10:32 AM PST
(Alito Battle - Liberals expected Armageddon & got Dunkirk. (C. Krauthammer)
To: Mad_Tom_Rackham
Adjourned until monday 1000am; cloture vote at 430pm.
posted on
01/27/2006 11:10:38 AM PST
To: ken5050
Ahh. This thread just popped up into Breaking News. I was wondering why no on was on the previous one anymore.
May I suggest that you put a link to the new thread at the end of the previous day's thread so we can find the new one, especially if it isn't on the sidebar as Breaking News.
posted on
01/27/2006 11:10:48 AM PST
("If I wanted to break the law - why was I briefing Congress?" -- W, 01/23/06)
To: All
To: newnhdad
She is a writer in Austin, TExas...and she HATES George Bush...and is a real lefty.
To: newnhdad
who is Molly Ivins?And why is she wearing that hat?
To: Chuck54
Frow what I have read....the whole family has a problem with "ethics" that right?
To: Laverne
That's it for today? Heck I just found this thread!!
(RATS now have 72 hours to derail the nomination. They are so desperate that Chris Wallace announced on F&F this morning that Dr. Demento, aka Howard Dean, will be the guest on Fox News Sunday. Based on his lying performance on the Today show the other day, I don't know if I want my blood pressure to go off the scale listening to his lies Sunday morning.)
posted on
01/27/2006 11:15:18 AM PST
("If I wanted to break the law - why was I briefing Congress?" -- W, 01/23/06)
To: Txsleuth
Without a doubt, the most ethically-challenged family in all of Memphis. Money came from funeral home business started by Jr's grandad and the family is large, very large and well connected to 90% of Memphis voters.
They vote in block usually, but the uncles, aunts, etc have fallen into disfavor in recent years. Ford Sr, and Jr are still considered in high esteem though.
posted on
01/27/2006 11:20:04 AM PST
(Alito Battle - Liberals expected Armageddon & got Dunkirk. (C. Krauthammer)
To: Howlin
posted on
01/27/2006 11:20:25 AM PST
(Sedition:an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority- to cause the overthrow of govt)
To: jennyjenny
posted on
01/27/2006 11:20:40 AM PST
(DNC - The longer the nose, the more we expose. No Costco, it's Sam's Club for me.)
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