Background check? China is known for its spying efforts against US interests.
Spies typically try to remain inconspicous.
That's probably why she isn't a linguist yet. Given that she's in food service, even though she speaks a "language of interest" to those in Intelligence, she probably couldn't initially qualify for a clearance. Those can take a long time for someone born overseas, or even someone who spent a lot of years there. I suspect she will eventually be transfered to the Intelligence career field as a linguist, but it might be a while yet. Unless of course she turns out to actually be spy, which isn't likely.
When I was in grad school, we had Chinese ringers in our classes: guys who admitted they had taught the subject at Chinese universities before even coming over here. I was always a little suspicious of those guys; after all, what exactly were they doing here if not getting an education? Answer: Spying, of course.
*Sigh*... Oh, well, I'm sure the Air Force and everyone else is keeping an eye on her -- and not just because she's hawt!