To: beyond the sea; ohioWfan; mainepatsfan; scott says
So I get home, I turn on the TV and look at the score with 0:03 seconds to go. 24-3?
Who replaced Denver with the Cleveland Browns???!?!?!?
Why wasn't I told about this?
495 posted on
01/22/2006 1:40:23 PM PST by
(The Pot is complaining about the Kettle's complexion....)
To: MikeinIraq
The old Jake Plummer has returned.
To: MikeinIraq
LOL.................... it's not over yet, but I'd say I see Plummer beginning to cop an attitude. He looks like he's about to cry. He should be running around quite alot in the second half.
But, it's far from over. But, I always LOVE getting the ball first in the second half.
523 posted on
01/22/2006 1:44:48 PM PST by
beyond the sea
(Cal Thomas: If only Robert Bork had cried ...................)
To: MikeinIraq
LOL! Good one, Mike.
Grew up half way between Pittsburgh and Cleveland, BIG Browns fan.
After Modell's evil theft, I softened toward the Steelers, but nothing in me will make me stop hating the Broncos.
Know what I mean??
533 posted on
01/22/2006 1:46:05 PM PST by
(PROUD Mom of an Iraq War VET! THANKS, son!!!!)
To: MikeinIraq; discostu
Pittsburgh has been awesome since they lost the 3 in a row,
remember we were discussing the wild card picture 6 weeks or so, ago?
We all thought Pitt was done, either KC or SD would get it.
They have been unstoppable, gotta like them in the SB too.
534 posted on
01/22/2006 1:46:07 PM PST by
scott says
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