scott says
Since Jan 20, 2005

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Servant of the Living GOD YHVH

Currently residing in Connecticut-
Lived in Marin County for over 20 years——

Every day is a glorious blessing—learning, growing-observing and watching Gods plan unfold before your very eyes—for those who have the key of David-which
opens doors that no man can close and locks doors that no man can open-
for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear-

YHVH is sitting on the throne and EVERYTHING is unfolding EXACTLY as he TOLD us
it would. Whenever Yeshua ( Jesus) was asked a question he would answer—Haven’t you ever read? God’s word-—STUDY to find your self approved-

The prize goes to those who MAKE themselves worthy-—of the Crown of LIFE to inherit GOD himself for the Eternity—

The King of Babylon is Coming—whether YOU are prepared or NOT-—the One World Political System is Coming whether YOU are informed or NOT-
Satan IS coming to play His role as Instead of Christ ( anti-Christ)—

Its getting Late in the Day friends—no time to fall asleep on guard duty-—