So you admit you don't know if Murtha misrepresented his medals. No one does, according to you. Which is correct. And his political opponents have tried to exploit this issue for nearly 40 years - to no avail, I might note.
So it seems to make sense to me, since there is less information available that he did lie than we had on Kerry, that we go after what we definitely DO have which is his Code Pink allegiance.
And for this I'm being attacked? Never has an argument over so little been made into so much.
I never said that I or anyone else knew if Murtha represented his medals. Of course that is correct.
Opponents of Kerry have tried for 30 years.
Murtha's 40.
Connect the dots.
Oh, but you don't want to. You want vets to shoulder the burden because you're going to tackle Code Pink (to keep the Republican Party clean even though they're going to get the blame for it).
Please, go do that! Please remember to ping me as I will greatly appreciate an after action report.