Do you not understand irony?
You think Murtha has misrepresented how he got his medals. I think my posts have been misrepresented (lied) about.
Murtha's lies are bad. Lies about my posts, because I think it's better to go after Murtha a different way, are good.
Ironic beyond belief.
I don't know whether or not Murtha has misrepresented his medals. No one does until he releases the paperwork, which probably won't happen in the next thirty years, while he continues to make the front page. But there is a question on the floor and discussion about it.
The irony is that you're smokin because you think you've been misrepresented. But you could care less whether Murtha has misrepresented his medals because it could hurt the Republican Party.
You want to move on to the Code Pink issues and ignore the possibility that Murtha's medals could be paper, not brass.
So move on...whatever floats your boat. Go after the Code Pink issues, and we'll float our own boat. Because in the meantime, there's no constructive discussion going on.