Oh... and Hulett's friend is out on bond. The girl told the truth, he admitted it - and he's out of jail with strict warnings not to go near children.
They need to take retribution against the Judge.
Maybe they promised to share her with the "JUDGE"(sic)./s
What was possibly "inaccurately" reported that would excuse a 60 day sentence for this scumbag? It sounds like Rep. Kainen needs to go too if he has the bad judgement to think that was a just verdict. It's great comfort to know he's the ranking member on the Judiciary Committee. /s
Would someone please explain the relationship between the girl and the first freak? Where was mom during all this? Where was dad?
He'll probably get 60 days and 3 hots and a cot.
Since when, and what's your authority for such a statement?
Retribution/punishment is one of the foundations of the justice system's basic reasons for incarceration, along with protecting the public from future crimes and along with rehabilitation.
It's a legitimate stand-alone basis for punishment and incarceration, in fact it's the moral basis for incarceration, whereas protecting the public is the practical basis.
Last night, while watching Animal Cops, my ten year old asked me how it can be that someone who abuses an animal can get up to a year in prison, while a man who hurts a child for years only gets 60 days.
My daughter is smarter than this judge. I think HE is a pedophile.
Anyone checked NAMBLA to see if Cashman is a member?
O'Reilly's had people on all week discussing the case, and he's FURIOUS! He said he will not stop unless the Vermont legislature removes the judge immediately. And he's also proposing a boycott of Vermont.
Did you mean "vigilantism" instead of retribution?
Cashman, what an interesting name.
Child-molesting tag team. Does anyone wonder that these monsters actively prey on vulnerable children?
Get a rope, get a rope
We're sick and tired of your liberal views
What's politically correct?
Come judgement day, I'll be trying the noose
And slipping it around your neck
Can't you hear me shout?
There are a lot of people like me about
But for you there's just no hope
Get a rope, get a rope
Today's Vermont, is not the Vermont of Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye.
It has been overrun by New York and Massachusetts leftist communist liberals.
To these NOUVAUX Vermonter's, rapist's are to be revered.
The victim was assaulted by the Judge.
§ 56. [Oaths of allegiance and office]
Every officer, whether judicial, executive, or military, in authority under this State, before entering upon the execution of office, shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation of allegiance to this State, (unless the officer shall produce evidence that the officer has before taken the same) and also the following oath or affirmation of office, except military officers, and such as shall be exempted by the Legislature.
The Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance
You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will be true and faithful to the State of Vermont, and that you will not, directly or indirectly, do any act or thing injurious to the Constitution or Government thereof. (If an oath) So help you God. (If an affirmation) Under the pains and penalties of perjury.
The Oath or Affirmation of Office
You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will faithfully execute the office of _____ for the _____ of _____ and will therein do equal right and justice to all persons, to the best of your judgment and ability, according to law. (If an oath) So help you God. (If an affirmation) Under the pains and penalties of perjury.
The victim will carry this around in her head for the rest of her life unless she gets longterm therapy. Even then, she's lost her innocence, her childhood, her sweetness. She harbors intense feelings of anger and hate and will strike out at some point, probably against someone trying to help her...because subconsciously, she'll know that's 'safe'. Her life will just go downhill. The judge should be making sure this kid gets state-paid therapy for as long as she needs it.
Going by his past reasoning, the judge will probably give this guy only 30 days since the girl wasn't a virgin any longer when he sexually assaulted her.