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The Rev. Donald E. Wildmon, chairman of the evangelical American Family Association, warned in a Dec. 5 radio broadcast that Foxman was "in a bind" because the "strongest supporters Israel has are members of the religious right — the people he's fighting."

"The more he says that 'you people are destroying this country,' you know, some people are going to begin to get fed up with this and say, 'Well, all right then. If that's the way you feel, then we just won't support Israel anymore,' " Wildmon said.

The liberal wing of American Jewry in America had better wise up and recognize who their real friends are.

Non-Jewish American leftists would sell them down the river in a New York minute if not for the Evangelicals.

1 posted on 01/07/2006 8:30:29 PM PST by quidnunc
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To: quidnunc
Scholars of religion call this worldview "philo-Semitism," the opposite of anti-Semitism.

Never heard the term "philo-Semitism" before. I guess there's a name for everything.

This is a ch__ch. What's missing?

2 posted on 01/07/2006 8:37:17 PM PST by rdb3 (What it is is what it was.)
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To: quidnunc

Geez. Christian support for Israel is hardly a new "phenonemon".

5 posted on 01/07/2006 8:48:28 PM PST by Hypervigilant (Uhhhhhhhhhhh, well, never mind...)
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To: quidnunc

A dear, conservative Jewish friend of mine mused: "Liberal Jews are God's test of obedience for the righteous gentiles." ....inferring that ritgheous gentiles find it difficult to love the liberal accordance with His commandement.

7 posted on 01/07/2006 8:50:02 PM PST by Conservative Goddess (Politiae legibus, non leges politiis, adaptandae)
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To: quidnunc

"three of the nation's largest Jewish groups — the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee and the Union for Reform Judaism "

Other than blood(well maybe not so much in yoffie's group)what is Jewish about those three groups?
The ADL which didn't help the Yale five but would help a non Jewish Jew get into a Wasp country club. Union for Reform Judaism where the clergy knows less Torah than high school yeshiva students and whose twice a year constituents wouldn't notice the difference.
The ADL who moere than any group except for the ACLU has prevented any govt aid to yeshivas( which studies now confirm what we all knew - the biggest antidote to assimilation)

Thaes ar eall liberal front groups whose agenda here is ABORTION which has become their golden calf- despite the halachic prohibition except for life of the mother.

11 posted on 01/07/2006 8:55:38 PM PST by avile
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To: quidnunc
Yet many Jews are nervous about evangelicals' intentions. In recent weeks, leaders of three of the nation's largest Jewish groups — the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee and the Union for Reform Judaism . . . .

Yada, yada, yada.

It's impossible to read this article without noticing a sharp change in tone, an abrupt loss of real interest, the tiresome repetition of foolish left-wing mantras, and the evocation of a bunch of left-wing groups as if they were somehow representative of the essence of being Jewish.

The whole article is designed to grab the reader, bring him in, and then suddenly comes that always to be expected liberal word, "But...."

These Evangelicals are fascinating, well meaning, kind, BUT. Then come the usual complaints.

Life affirming warmth, and then liberal whining. No one but a liberal would read any further. The interesting part is done.

13 posted on 01/07/2006 8:59:57 PM PST by Cicero (Marcus Tullius)
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To: quidnunc

Nothing quite like a group of people, who, when they're embraced by another group, get all anxious about it and doubt their intentions.

Of course, they're the most liberal of the Jewish denominations who are for the most part secular, anyway.

Geez, this evangelical will occasionally worship at a synagogue for a change of pace.

15 posted on 01/07/2006 9:00:47 PM PST by CheyennePress
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To: quidnunc
"I'm a pardoned gentile, but I'm not one of the Chosen People. They're the apple of his eye."

What a crock. What is this person "guilty" of and who "pardoned" him. Moreover, it's a heck of a lot easier for a non-Jew to gain a heavenly reward than for a Jew. And where does he get off saying that Jews are the "apple of G-D's eye"? How does he know?

In recent weeks, leaders of three of the nation's largest Jewish groups — the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee and the Union for Reform Judaism

What makes these groups Jewish? Just because they are involved with "Jewish" causes? These are liberal groups peddling the liberal agenda with a "kosher" label.

The liberal wing of American Jewry in America had better wise up and recognize who their real friends are.

There is no "liberal wing" of American Jewry. "Liberal Jew" is a bigger oxymoron than "French honor". These people are liberals who happened to be born to people who were Jewish according to Jewish religious law. Any relationship to authentic Judaism is purely coincidental.

17 posted on 01/07/2006 9:04:39 PM PST by h.a. cherev
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To: quidnunc

Notice that the journalist does not quote any of those Jews who can explain, from their perspective, why this alliance is a good thing. The ADL and the AJC are filled with your basic liberal, atheistic Jewish neo-socialists. Why doesn't he speak with Dennis Prager, Laura Schlesinger, or someone else who understands?

18 posted on 01/07/2006 9:05:09 PM PST by tom h
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To: quidnunc
'Well, all right then. If that's the way you feel, then we just won't support Israel anymore,' " Wildmon said.

Empty threat of the year award winner ;o)

19 posted on 01/07/2006 9:07:47 PM PST by papertyger (We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.)
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To: quidnunc
"Scholars of religion call this worldview "philo-Semitism,"..."

And who might those "scholars of religion" be?

Until recently, I thought that the word, "Judeo-phobia" was incorrect, because most people who disagreed with Judaism simply hated it. But maybe that's changing. Some are now showing fear that many of the more conservative Christians are being "Judaized."
21 posted on 01/07/2006 9:10:13 PM PST by familyop
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To: quidnunc
I believe the Holy Bible and it says to bless Israel, the Jews and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

There are so many reasons to be in prayer for Jerusalem and the Jewish people. These are God's chosen people. He loves them with an everlasting love, He is still their God.

We have the promise of God's blessing in praying for them:

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee." Psalm 122:6

We know that there will be no peace for the Jews OR Jerusalem until the Lord's Second Coming, He has already told us so. So when you pray for the peace of Jerusalem you are in effect praying for the King of Kings and Lord of Lord's to return in all His glory.

"Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. " Genesis 12:1-3

The Lord promises to bless those that bless them and curse those that curse them. God said that from Abraham all families of the earth would be blessed, and we have been!

We are indebted to the Jewish people. They were first in privilege and first in time. It was given to them by God to bring us knowledge of God. They gave us the Bible and they gave us Christ. Jesus was Jewish. All of the roots of our Christian faith are Jewish. The first church was Jewish, the first preacher was Jewish, the first missionary was Jewish. The first EVERYTHING in our faith was Jewish!! If you can pray for no other reason, then pray on this ground.

"Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews." John 4:22

The Jewish people were given the awesome task of preserving God's precious Word for us. They painstakingly copied God's word for us generation after generation. They counted every letter and every word, they used special ink and animal skins. It had to be a clean animal. They could write no word from memory. They would destroy the whole page if they found just one mistake, and destroy the whole document, even if it was almost complete if they made just 3 errors. No whiteout for the Jewish people. Whenever they came across His name YHVH, they would have to (by tradition) clean out the ink of the pen AND wash themselves before writing His name. These people handled God's word with great care and reverence. They loved God and considered His word sacred. It was a task given specifically to them by God Himself.

"Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God." Romans 3:2

God didn't choose them because they were a great and mighty people, He told them they were the least of all people. It is the same with Christians today - we were not chosen because of who we are, or the great things that we have done. He chose us simply because He loves us just as He loved them, and still loves them today. He chose the nation of Israel to be a sign to the rest of the world, they are still a sign to the world today. Watch Israel and you are watching God's time clock in action.

God saved them by grace; He saves us by grace. The church has not replaced Israel - They are still His people and He will still save His people. He promised and God does not break His promises. When the church is removed from this earth, Israel will once again be His witnesses in a mighty way and we should pray for them! They were the key to the blessings that God has given us today. All families of the earth have been blessed.

Remember that Paul was a Pharisee and that the New Testament was written by Jews. God warned us not to put ourselves above them:

"For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in." Romans 11:25

You see, God has blinded the Jews so that you could be saved!! Have you ever stopped to wonder what would have happened if the Jewish Nation had accepted Yeshua? We would be lost! But that was not part of God's plan

"What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day. And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them: Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway." Romans 11:7-10

So does that mean that God has turned His back on them and given up on them?

"I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but [rather] through their fall salvation [is come] unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy." Romans 11:11

No - God still loves them, they are still His people, He loves them with an everlasting love and if He loves them, than shouldn't we also?

"The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, [saying], Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. Again I will build thee, and thou shalt be built, O virgin of Israel: thou shalt again be adorned with thy tabrets, and shalt go forth in the dances of them that make merry." Jeremiah 31:3-4

God made a covenant with Abraham. It was an everlasting covenant and it did not have any strings attached to it. There were no "but if you mess ups", or if you turn your back on me - it was just God's promise to Abraham an everlasting covenant with him and his seed. Genesis 12:1-4

"And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God." Genesis 17:7-8

He is still their God, even if they don't know it! Just as He is the God of the lost here in the USA that don't know it. What an honor to be used to help bring a Jew to their own Messiah, for without Him they are lost. They are still His sheep, He is still their Shepherd and we as Christians are deeply indebted to them for so many reasons. Pray for them - if your heart does not ache for them, bring it to God and talk to Him about it.

God will keep His promise. The physical deliverance of Israel is yet to come, it will happen. And God asks us to pray for it. To pray for them, to love them, His chosen people. We should tell them the "Good News" we should pray for their salvation and we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Their whole history is an open book to us. We see their victories and defeats, the good and the bad. How they glorified God and how they turned from Him. How they did right in the eyes of God and how they made terrible mistakes - and praise His Name it is from them, the good and the bad that I learn that God loves me. I learn from them that there is nothing I can do to deserve God's love and nothing I can do to fall from His grace. For every fault I can find in the Jews of the Old Testament I can find within myself - and the most common fault found with the Jews in the New Testament, that they rejected their Christ, I too was guilty of. That He was crucified because of their sin, I too am guilty of. For you see, He died on account of my sins. I am just as guilty of His death as they.

Scripture to study:
· Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21
23 posted on 01/07/2006 9:11:33 PM PST by DoNotDivide (Were the American Revolutionaries rebelling against Constituted Authority and thereby God? I say no.)
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To: XeniaSt

Ping to this fascinating new trend ;o>

24 posted on 01/07/2006 9:13:28 PM PST by papertyger (We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.)
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To: quidnunc
"That hope is felt and expressed by Christians as a kind, benevolent hope," said Galambush, author of "The Reluctant Parting," a new book on the Jewish roots of Christianity. "But believing that someday Jews will stop being Jews and become Christians is still a form of hoping that someday there will be no more Jews."

Not so! Receiving Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah whose death and resurrection save us, does not make one less Jewish! American evangelicals are rediscovering the Jewish roots of their faith, not hoping to dissolve Judaism. Most evangelicals would be horrified at the suggestion, I believe.

32 posted on 01/07/2006 9:19:49 PM PST by Zack Nguyen
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To: quidnunc

A note to all our Jewsish FRiends...We've got your 6.

35 posted on 01/07/2006 9:22:18 PM PST by Drango ("Complico, ergo sum")
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To: quidnunc
Non-Jewish American leftists would sell them down the river in a New York

Hell they already did. FDR let Jews die knowingly in WWII and yet the jewish community adored him for the most part. Go figure.

The jews today who don't like christians' affinity for Israel are those who don't like the conservatism associated with serious christians anyhow. These christians support for Israel is irrelevant to them. Now, liberal apostate christian groups divesting from Israel as we speak have a cozy relationship with liberal jews at the ACLU, People for the American Way, etc etc.. water seeks it's on level

I have yet to hear jewish conservatives pissed off cause right wing christians support Israel I am a far right wing christian but i support Israel simply cause I know them and think they are deserved more so than muzzie vermin....not for any end-of-days reasons...though an argument could be made there admittedly. I'll let God settle that, meanwhile I trust my instincts and empirical obzervations.

40 posted on 01/07/2006 9:26:10 PM PST by wardaddy (my acupuncturist is a Jewish Conservative......)
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To: quidnunc

"I feel jealous sometimes. This term that keeps coming up in the Old Book — the Chosen, the Chosen," says the minister, who has made three trips to Israel and named his sons Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. "I'm a pardoned gentile, but I'm not one of the Chosen People. They're the apple of his eye."

The Chosen People are those who follow God.

Since the Resurrection, those people, according to the Bible, are now Christians.

46 posted on 01/07/2006 9:32:04 PM PST by ConservativeMind
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To: quidnunc

Lord Shaftesbury was a Zionist before any Jew was. One of the most devout of the important 19th century English evangelicals.

77 posted on 01/07/2006 10:08:45 PM PST by RobbyS ( CHIRHO)
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To: quidnunc
"I feel jealous sometimes. This term that keeps coming up in the Old Book — the Chosen, the Chosen," says the minister, who has made three trips to Israel and named his sons Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. "I'm a pardoned gentile, but I'm not one of the Chosen People. They're the apple of his eye."

Sounds like a guy who will denounce Jesus and convert to Judaism or become a Talmud Noahide.

78 posted on 01/07/2006 10:09:32 PM PST by niki
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To: the-ironically-named-proverbs2; Lijahsbubbe
"I feel jealous sometimes. This term that keeps coming up in the Old Book — the Chosen, the Chosen," says the minister, who has made three trips to Israel and named his sons Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. "I'm a pardoned gentile, but I'm not one of the Chosen People. They're the apple of his eye."

Isaiah 11:10-13

10 And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious.
11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.
12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
13 The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim.

81 posted on 01/07/2006 10:14:44 PM PST by Thinkin' Gal (As it was in the days of NO...)
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To: quidnunc
"Mark A. Noll, a professor of Christian thought at Wheaton College, a center of evangelical scholarship in Illinois, said evangelicals are beginning to move away from supersessionism -- the centuries-old belief that with the coming of Jesus, God ended his covenant with the Jews and transferred it to the Christian church."

"Since the 1960s, the Roman Catholic Church and some Protestant denominations have renounced supersessionism and stressed their belief that the covenant between God and the Jewish people remains in effect."

Ok, I am confused. When did the Catholic Church renounce supersessionism?? I went to Catholic schools for nine years, and attend Mass weekly, and I do not recall ever hearing of such a "renouncement". However, I will admit that I am not an expert, so if I am wrong about this, then please let me know (in a gentle and Christian way!!).

By way of example, last year, I read Carl E. Olson's book entitled "Will Catholics Be 'Left Behind'?", published in 2003 (Olson is a devout Catholic who grew up in an Evangelical family and attended Evangelical theology schools before converting to Catholicism). In his book, he discusses all of this in a very detailed and scholarly way (Catholic teaching vs. Evangelical teaching about the End Times, the Jews, "The Rapture", etc...). His book contrasts Catholic theology to the theology espoused by the likes of Hal Lindsey, and Tim LaHaye in his "Left Behind" series. Olson seems to know his subject matter inside and out (whether you agree with his conclusions, or not).

Olson goes through great lenghts to explain in detail how the Catholic church believes that God transferred his covenant from the Jewish people to The Church at the coming of Christ. He makes NO mention of the Catholic Church having renounced this belief - in fact he says just the opposite!!

Now, this article in the Washington Post is claiming that beginning in the 1960's (around Vatican II, one would assume), that the Catholic church suddenly renounced its' centuries-old belief that God's covenant switched from the Jews to The Church at the coming of Christ. I must admit, I have not heard that this belief has been renounced!!! I don't recall EVER hearing this preached in any Catholic church. The only place I have heard such things said is when I have attended an Evangelical church. So, I must admit that all of this sounds very odd to me.

So, did the Catholic Church REALLY change it's teaching about the status of the Jews within the past 40 years?? Or is the Washington Post full of hot wind?? If anyone out there knows Catholic theology better than I do (not very difficult!!), and could enlighten me, I would appreciate it!!
97 posted on 01/08/2006 12:17:21 AM PST by Zetman (This secret to simple and inexpensive cold fusion intentionally left blank.)
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