WOW! One of my favorite writers of all time! I hope some of our neighbors and friends actually read this...we live in Germany!
well - one did.
...and there's not much wow's from my side.
This guy paints europe anti america and pro - terror and claims to cry the beloved continent.
Beloved hu ?
He doesn't welcome the european affinity of anglo american culture - he calls it slavish.
What is slavish about me favouring jazz, coke and blue jeans ? It's good stuff.
What does he want - gratitude because your grandpa won WWII ?
Tell you what ... I wake up often enough feeling grateful to be in germany living here as it is today - relatively free and independant. I know many GIs lost their lives so history could take this path. My deepest simpathy for those who suffered under the nazi regime in which way ever.
But freedom and prosperity didn't come as a gift to germany - we sure as hell paid for it and worked our asses of. The Marshall Plan was an investment and it paid of big time for the US as well as for us. Certainly things didn't work well for the other winner of WWII - the soviet union.
And if somebody has won the cold war then it's germany - now sited in the center of a new europe.
I am not trying to burry 2500 years of good history and I am aware of the moral and political values europe created.
Who's that guy insinuating this ?
You guys are invited to be partners in the future as you where in the past and are in present times. Partners on eye level as the author claims to want.
I just think that's exactly what this guy is affraid of.
Whish you all a nice weekend.
I recommend that you print it out and anonymously put it in all the mail boxes around you.