Posted on 01/03/2006 2:43:26 PM PST by cyn
Pamela's guardianship renewed for another six months! Please see "Scott's News" for more information. (continued at link)'s%20News.htmJanuary 3, 2006
Today was the long-anticipated status hearing on guardianship for Scott.
The hearing took place in judge's chambers with Pamela and her attorneys and Eliza and her attorneys. Pamela presented the judge with information that she has now filed with the court to have Scott declared "partially capacitated". This means, at the very least, that he would then be allowed to indicate his preferences for his social environment, such as who is allowed to visit. He has repeatedly indicated that he does not want to see Eliza, but he does wants to see his son.
Pamela also informed the judge that, after Scott is legally determined to be "partially capacitated", they would be filing for a divorce for him. [emphasis mine]
Eliza indicated to the judge that she would fight any divorce proceedings.
The final item that Pamela presented to the judge is that Scott is scheduled for surgery to close his tracheotomy opening, which should allow him to regain his ability to speak and make sound.
Based on all the above information, Judge Wilkes ruled to grant Pamela another six months of full guardianship of Scott. This will be a crucial time for Pamela and Scott, as they continue to work, not only for Scott's recovery, but for him to regain the right and ability to truly "speak for himself".
Please continue to join us in prayer and other support for Scott and Pamela as they continue the battle for LIFE.
What evidence can you offer to prove that allegation?
"With Michelangelo's dramatic depiction of the Last Judgment as a backdrop, Benedict attacked the "thing-ification of mankind", suggesting that people had become little more than objects to be traded, picked up and discarded at will."
Read my last post again. It is self evident. I don't have to prove it to you or anyone. You better do some research on WV if you are that concerned about it.
I discovered at the Vigil was that I can't drink sports drinks. I got really sick.
There's nothing self-evident about this allegation. You've chosen to offer no facts in support of it, no examples, nothing. I have a great many family members in West Virginia and know full well your allegation is completely baseless. It would appear that it is you who should do some research before you go off half-cocked and make ridiculous unsupported claims on topics about which you know nothing. Just a suggestion.
Taking things awfully personally aren't you? Lots of times I am targeted and asked to prove this or that. I have personal knowledge and it will stay that way.
you are new here and not from the US. You are obviously not a Conservative? What are you doing on FR?
newbie alert: December 12, 2005.
Hi newbie. Interesting you stopped by again. I noticed you were on some other Terri threads, but did not offer much pleasant, only snide remarks. Now you are back, so I guess you know what our threads are all about.
If you stick around, it would be helpful for discussions to know your take on Mikey and the Murderers. What do you think about state sponsored murder of a helpless innocent human?
When is it ok to dehydrate a terrified innocent to death?
If you want to join in and really discuss, let us know your views so we will understand your intention.
North Country Gazette and June Maxam recognized:
A nationally recognized coach, law firm management consultant and author has endorsed and legitimized the editorial position of June Maxam, publisher of The North Country Gazette and co-publisher of The Empire Journal, in regard to the misconduct which existed in the case of Terri Schindler-Schiavo, the disabled Florida woman who was killed earlier this year by judicial order.
Nationally Known Lawyer Endorses NCG Reporting of Schiavo Case
Another story and excerpt
In writing some of the Florida legislators regarding HB 701 during the spring of 2005, directly related to the Terri Schiavo case, the concerns were simple--- protect the incapacitated, particularly those unable to state their wishes in regard to withdrawing nutrition and hydration. After all, we cannot provide care and protect our patients if we do not know their wishes.
Compassion and Reasoning of Florida Legislators
Sharon's struggle highlights fault lines between Jewish traditions and medical advances
Glad to hear the NCG and June Maxam are getting the recognition they deserve.
I was watching an EWTN program about "Suffering and God's Love" last night.
The speaker said that, often, new "rights" are introduced as if they affect only the individuals who want those rights.
The people demanding the new "right," say that those people who are opposed to the "right" don't have to personally chose to use it for themselves.
The speaker said that it is not true that granting rights to individuals does not affect others who chose not to exercise the right.
He said that we must realize that when options (like euthanasia) are presented as "rights,", there duties are imposed on others who become involved in carrying out those "rights."
Not from the U.S.? Do you not know that steelcurtain refers to the great Pittsburgh Steelers defense of the 1970s? LOL!
Euthanasia's Growing Acceptance - Judicial Leniency for "Mercy Killing"
I see you are back and remind you of my post in #130.
Not that I owe you an answer, in light of the rudeness shown to me and ridiculously false allegations that I am not a conservative and not from the U.S., but I will tell you that I am strongly pro-life. I have protested at abortion clinics and financially supported organizations that encourage and help pregnant girls to choose not to kill their babies.
Now how about you folks give me some proof that West Virginia is not a safe place for the disabled? Or is it enough just to toss out false allegations and hope no one will notice how indefensible they are?
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