Well George Will does have his shortcomings.
Well I'm watching Face the Nation this morning, and Disgrace the Nation would be a much more fitting description.
Four historians are the guests, and each is doing his best to describe our nation in terms that make the President look terrible without using one sentence that charges him with a single tangible fact.
Second terms have nearly always turned out disasterous, implying that the Bush second term is a total disaster. One historian declared that race relations were in a shambles. The compartisons of Iraq to Vietnam were numerous, each presented in a terribly negative light.
Each contributing guest is making pronouncements as if from on high, and there have been no objections from any guest to the negative comments of another. It's a pile-on fest that is presented in a manner only an elitist press outlet could.
One jerk pronounced that 09/11 was an event that wouldn't rank in the first tier of attacks from his perspective, if compared to the Revolutionary War, the Civil War or World War II.
I can't imagine a much more disgraceful presentation, lopsided against not only the President, but our nation.