On the other hand, Eskimos didn't wait on the Land-Bridge when they decided to move into the Arctic, and the Haida in the PAC NW were building quite large seagoing vessels all along.
Thor Hyerdahl sought to dispel the primacy of the Land Bridge theory by building reed boats and balsa catamarans to cross open ocean. I would have loved to have sailed with him.
Thor Hyerdahl's works is under serious re-examination today. Apparently, he committed quite a bit of research fraud in order to get the results he hypothesized. I would not use Thor Hyerdahl as a credible source for the question of navigation between the Pacific islands and the Americas.
The occational Scraling showed up on the shores of Scotland or Ireland in his Leather boat.
This is the trip I made on my boat. It is a very easy trip.
I read a book once about a guy on the same route who had problems with his boat. He got into a raft that was tied on to the boat. The line broke and the boat took off with out him. The boat beat him to Central America by about two or three weeks.